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The next couple days went by unnoticed to Elizabeth. She had separated herself from the Gryffindors and Slytherins and worked harder on her task for the Dark Lord. She had found out that there were secret passageways leading into the castle. So, she began wandering the castle at night, in search of them. Elizabeth wanted to find as many as possible, in as little time as possible.

Then, she received a letter from Regulus Black.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Elizabeth Divicci Selwyn

I apologize that it has taken me so long to write back to you. In truth, I have not been busy. I was just hoping that if I didn't respond to you straight away, then I would not look desperate. But, as the days grew longer, it seemed that the moment had passed.

I have been told of Lucinda's passing and I know the two of you were very close. I know you have most likely heard 'I'm sorry' a lot, so I will not say this to you.

I will tell you however, to not think of her untimely death, but of your memories of her. Remember her happiness, her joy. I am sure she would not wish for you to be upset.

When I heard the news I knew I couldn't put off not writing to you. I, too, have been thinking of you most days and nights since the ball. I hope to see you over the summer.

How are you? I hope everything is going well for you at Hogwarts.

Write to me, if u wish


Having received the letter sent a new wave of happiness through Elizabeth. She felt immediately guilty and reprimanded herself for it.

After the letter, she began her journey to the Great Hall. She pushed open the double doors, and after entering, everyone turned to look at her. The room fell silent, suddenly making her away of the bags under her eyes; however, they weren't from the nightmares she was having, but from her task for the Dark Lord.

She walked down the rows of the houses tables, taking a seat beside Sirius. She avoided looking at the Slytherin table, knowing what she wouldn't find there.

"Nice to have you back," Sirius said, swinging an arm around her shoulder.

Elizabeth gave a forced smile and helped herself to dinner. As soon as she took a bite she became ravenous. She hadn't eaten a thing in three days. She quickly ate her dinner and gulped down a goblet of water. She caught up with the other first years, Frank and Alice, lifting her mood slightly.

She looked over to where Lucinda usually sat and regretted it straight away. The words Regulus had written to her floating in her head Remember her happy. She wouldn't want you being upset.

She shook herself out of her daze and waved over to her Slytherin friends. They returned the wave with a sad smile and she divulged into the topic at hand.

That was how the next few weeks past. If she was sat with the Gryffindors she would stare after Lucinda and often zone out thinking. She did start to sit back with the Slytherins but their was always a gap for where Lucinda usually sat. 

Elizabeth and Regulus had been writing to each other every day. Most people seemed to catch on after the third letter she would receive and it would always be the Black Family owl that would deliver Regulus' letters. Sirius would recognize the owl and think it was for him and when it landed in front of Elizabeth and she smiled down at the envelope he knew something was going on. So when the third letter arrived he picked it up and saw it was from his little brother.

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