18 | Pranks

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"Ugh," Elizabeth groaned. She slowly opened her eyes and tried to talk but her mouth was so dry. Her lips were slightly chapped and all she could remember of the night before was taking Jake into the common room, downing the alcohol as half the party cheered her on. She sat up slowly and looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings.

She was wearing a black oversized t-shirt with some grey boy shorts. Her hair was pulled back into a badly done ponytail and it tasted like leftover sick in the corners of her mouth.

She moved her legs over the edge of the bed and went to stand up but her feet hit something soft. She looked down to see Radolphus Lestrange. She let out a squeal of surprise and sat back down.

"Thanks for that, Elly," he said as he slowly sat upright.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were there," she admitted.

"It's alright. How are you feeling?"

"Bloody thirsty."

Radolphus laughed and grabbed a goblet cast the water charm on it and she greedily gulped it down.

"I take it you were left to mother me all night long then?" Elizabeth asked as she placed the goblet on the bedside.

He nodded. "Your mates from Gryffindor tried to take you to their dorm, but I thought it'd be easier for you just to come here."

"Thank you, where are my clothes?" she asked tugging the hem of the black shirt.

"Oh yeah I finally got you up here and you started throwing up so I had to tie your hair up and change you out of the clothes. You throw up all down yourself."

"Thank you, Ray."

"Don't worry, I didn't see anything, I'm not a weirdo I promise."

"It's fine. Breakfast?"

He nodded and they got ready. Radolphus cast a cleaning spell on her robes and one ready the two headed down to breakfast. Half the school looked beat down and hungover.

Elizabeth said thankyou to Radolphus and took her regular seat at the Gryffindor table. The owls flew in and Elizabeth received two letters, Sirius one and Lily one.

Sirius's was a book that he wouldn't tell anyone the subject of but insisted to drop it so they did so hesitantly.

Elizabeth picked up the two letters. One from Regulus and the other from her parents.

She opened the one from Regulus first.


I am sorry to hear about Rosier, what a twat. Just give him a good hex or something. He deserves it. The obnoxious arsehole. Gets on my ruddy nerves. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that the party was a blast. Sirius wrote me about it although I feel he may have been drunk when writing as his writing was very difficult to read. Don't think of losing Rosier as a bad thing. If he wishes to throw away nine years of friendship because of what house you wear, then sod him. I miss you too. Things are getting ever so boring around here. Mother and Father are always off to a meeting or task for the Dark Lord. Say I can start once I begin my years at Hogwarts. I should be getting my letter in the following months. There is an important ball in the summer, did you know? Gives me the perfect opportunity to see you again. I do hope we meet one day outside of a ball. Let me know how your days have been.


Elizabeth smiled down at the letter. Regulus always seemed to know what to say- well write. She then remembered her next letter and with less enthusiasm unsealed it and read it slowly. It was a simple note.

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