36 | Stars In The Sky

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Stars In The Sky

Last time she had been to the Lestrange Manor Jake was marked. That place represented everything that was going wrong for him. The last thing she wanted to be doing all day was 'partying' there and celebrating Merlin knows what. She didn't have a choice, but if she did she knew which one she'd choose.

When she was ready, she opened the door and walked across the silent landing and knocked on Cassilda's door.

"Cass, you ready?!" she shouted through the door.

"ONE SECOND!" Cassilda shouted back.

Elizabeth stood waiting against the frame and when she heard the door unlock she stood up and looked at her sister.

"Cass, you look- you look beautiful!" Elizabeth stuttered.

"As do you, Beth. I should think we ought to be going downstairs. Mother and Father are probably waiting for us."

Elizabeth nodded. "Right, yeah, let's go."

They silently walked down the staircase and Elizabeth saw her brother standing to the side of their parents, waiting for the sisters to arrive at the bottom.

Jake and Divicci were wearing the usual black suits.

The five Selwyns crossed the doors and into the gardens of the manor and passed the fidelius charm. Then, they disapparated towards the Lestrange Manor.

It was the exact same as she remembered it to be, with large stone walls and bright green grass. It gave that welcoming effect, but in reality, was the last place you wanted to be.

They began their walk to the ball. Already, Elizabeth could hear the steady music and the flow of chatter. There were even a few people out in the gardens. It was a chilly night but it was doable.

When she stepped in Jake walked away and stood with the adult death eaters. Elladora went and stood with Abraxus Malfoy and the other death eaters she attended school with. Divicci did the same.

Elizabeth and Cassilda decided to go get some drinks. It was a long night ahead and already her legs were beginning to tire. Being starved and worn out for weeks and then walking on heels for ages was already making her want to go back to bed.

She poured herself a shot or two of fire whiskey and downed them. She handed two to Cassilda and they stood there and observed the crowd.

Rabastan came over and asked for Cass's hand in a dance so then it was just Elizabeth.

"You look beautiful."

She smiled. "You always start with that line, don't you?"

A smirk played on his lips. "Of course, love. You do always look beautiful."

"And you look very handsome in that suit, Regulus."

"I'm aware."

"Where's Sirius, then?"

Regulus dropped his smirk and swirled the liquid in his glass. "He was told to stay home. Being the black sheep of the Noble House of Black doesn't do well with public appearances according to mother. I think he is going to Potter's during Christmas so..." Regulus trailed off towards the end of the sentence.

She placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Well, I'll be writing to you and I'm sure Sirius will be telling me everything, so don't worry. I know you miss him and I miss how you two used to be. I am sorry, Regulus."

"It's alright. I heard from Barty that you and your sister have made amends?"

She nodded. "At the expense of my brother."

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