121 | Stars and Scars

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Stars and Scars

Sunday 1st April, 1975

The beginning of a new month was exactly what Hogwarts needed right now. Every year at Hogwarts March and May have always been the most chaotic months.

Elizabeth had been enjoying the parties nearly every week, but after an entire month of drinking, dancing and cheering, it had become tiring quickly.

Especially on James's birthday, that had been the most difficult one to get through for March. It had been a full moon, so the Marauders and Elizabeth had vowed not to drink as much so that they could still be with Remus in the woods that night. Lily and Mary had been hovering around Remus through most of the party, he'd been drinking to numb the pain as it was a particularly bad full moon. James had been trying to stay with Remus and Lily but it was difficult when it was a party dedicated to James Potter.

Eventually they managed to sneak out, it had taken hours and they'd only just made it to the Shrieking Shack, James had closed the door seconds before Remus had begun transforming. The following day everyone had presumed it had been the party that had kept them inside and out of class, they'd spent the day prior with Remus in the hospital wing.

The parties helped everyone though, not just the Marauders. Regulus had returned from St. Mungo's over a month ago, Sirius and James had been badgering him the second he stepped foot in the Great Hall, asking if he was ok, who hurt him, how many were there? Regulus said nothing. He looked uncomfortable, pale still, his walls had been built around him and he only looked at the two and said "I don't want to talk about it." He then walked over to Barty to greet him.

Since then Regulus and Barty had been spending a lot of time with the Gryffindor's. They'd been trying their best not to be rude to Barty and welcome him for Regulus's sake. Sirius had made a promise to protect him properly this time, Regulus would never be that close to death again.

Sirius and Regulus always spent time together, when they're not arguing, but Regulus rarely talked now, he mainly sat and listened and laughed with the others. Sirius was stressed, James was worried and Marlene felt guilty, the parties helped dull those emotions and fear of the constant Death Eater attacks for everyone.

The dueling between Slytherin and Gryffindor hadn't come to a stop, and since Regulus was keeping who had attacked him a secret from not only them but the Professors too, they didn't know who to target.

The only people Regulus seemed to be talking to about what had happened was Marlene and Narcissa. They both refused to share anything of what they talked about away from the others to anyone. When Regulus was in Gryffindor company, he spent most of his time with Marlene talking, but when they weren't together he would be seen near James, Mary, Lily, Remus and Alice.

When Barty and Regulus separated from Sirius and his friends they would either sit in their dorm - hoping the others wouldn't return - or spend hours hidden away with Narcissa in the library, Common Room - whenever it was sure to be empty - or the three walked far away from Hogwarts, over the hills early in the morning, lunch or night.

Since Narcissa was to be graduating from Hogwarts in two months, Barty wouldn't always join them. Narcissa had said to Regulus that after Hogwarts it was most likely they would rarely see one another again, if ever. So Barty would allow Regulus and Narcissa nights or mornings alone together, he would go to his girlfriend, Rose, instead.

Remus and Sirius seemed to be enjoying the pleasures of every one, walking off with girls and returning with a proud grin on their faces. No one knew what had suddenly made the both of them so sexual with anyone who made eye contact, no matter their house.

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