33 | Family Owl

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Family Owl

Elizabeth woke up around two days later in much the same state as before: dry mouth and sore limbs. She had been going in and out of consciousness since she arrived and was given sleeping draught to ease the pain and to help her sleep better.

"You're awake then?"

Elizabeth opened her eyes and looked to the side of her bed to see Regulus sat there.

She smiled at him. "You're here."

"Of course I'm here. I wasn't there when it happened. I was in the library with Barty. I'm sorry, are you alright? Is there anything I can get you, love?"

Her smile widened. "A glass of water would be nice."

Regulus got her some water and handed it to her, waited for her to finish, and refilled it.

"Look at you, getting your study on and going to the library."

"I needed a book for Potions," Regulus said.

"Cute, what time is it?"

Regulus turned to look at the clock. "Around three."

"Should you not be in class?"

"Yeah, but I gathered this would be the only time my brother isn't here and I'm not in the mood to argue with him today."

"I get the feeling," Elizabeth muttered.

Madam Pomfrey walked over just then.

"Good, you're awake. Take these potions, then Mr Black here can escort you back. Don't be getting into any more duels, Ms. Selwyn! Twice in a month, that's far too many."

Pomfrey handed Regulus the potions and he helped Elizabeth up and out of bed. She was wobbly on her feet at first but she soon got accustomed to it. Regulus put an arm around her waist and steadied her when walking.

They went outside to the courtyards. Everyone was in class so it was quiet and peaceful. There, Regulus and Elizabeth spent the next few hours. She explained that the duel had been started because Cassilda was worried about Elizabeth killing Jake, and then brought up Lucinda. Regulus explained that he and Sirius had drifted apart. Ever since he left for Hogwarts the year before, they had grown apart. Their parents had told Regulus to not talk to their 'blood traitor son' but Regulus missed Sirius. He wanted to be close again but it seemed Sirius had replaced him with James and all his friends.

The two talked about classes and made plans for Christmas. The students who were going home for the holiday would be leaving for the express in a few days. Elizabeth and Regulus were both going home. Elizabeth wasn't sure if Sirius was staying or leaving, but she hoped he would be ok.

Students passed by every hour to go to their next classes. They'd decided to just skip the rest of the lessons and catch up on them tomorrow.

When dinner came around, Regulus and Elizabeth walked down to the great hall. They were walking beside one another, hands brushing against the other and both smiling widely. When they reached the doors and stepped through the threshold, they waved goodbye and sat at their respective tables.

Elizabeth took her usual seat between Peter and James, opposite Remus and Sirius. Marlene was sitting on the other side of Peter. Mary was on the other side of Remus with Frank and Alice, and Lily on the other side of Sirius, opposite Derek and Billius.

Elizabeth glanced at the doors every time they opened, hoping Jake would walk in but he never did. She was getting worried. She'd been in the hospital wing for a few days and surely he should be back by now. Cassilda wasn't helping; she looked just as nervous. Jonathan was sitting and talking to a girl Elizabeth knew as Maria Winger. They seemed to be getting rather close recently. Andromeda was with Radolphus and her sisters looking over longingly at Ted who was sitting beside Marlene today.

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