91 | A student Return

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A student Return

Thursday 1st March, 1974

Elizabeth didn't doubt that her friends would worry for her and the fact that her 'dead' brother was mentioned in passing, but she wasn't prepared to be drilled with question after question.

"Why were your parents here?"

"Was Jonathan in there too?"

"Why did Elladora look half mad?"

"What's going on with Jake? Has something happened?"

"What aren't you telling us?"

Elizabeth just sighed and ignored them all. When she took a seat beside Alice, James was suddenly very adamant to find out what was going on.

"James. Please, leave me alone I'm-"

"Tell us what's happened then." He looked like a puppy begging for a treat. Sirius plopped down beside him, Remus and Peter on the other side with Mary, Marlene and Lily.

Elizabeth shook her head, reaching for some of the pastries.

"You're not eating until you tell us. Personally, I'd just come out with it." Mary shrugged with a half grin.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why are they refusing to let you eat?" Alice laughed.

"They're what?!" Billius cried. "Godric! Here, El, have mine. Bloody not letting you eat! What Salazar's demons are you?"

"She was called to Dumbledore's office," Sirius said quickly, leaning over James and Elizabeth to push the food away from Billius.

"Dumbledore?" Ted asked.

"I was asked to Dumbledore's office as there was a family matter that needed my... that I needed to be made aware of. As it was a family matter, it clearly didn't need everyone else's input, or it would be announced to the whole school, wouldn't it?"

Dumbledore suddenly rose from his chair, clinking a fork against his goblet.

"Fuck off," Elizabeth snapped when she saw Remus smirking from across the table.

"May I have your attention please!" Dumbledore's voice echoed across the hall, bouncing from wall to wall at a painfully loud volume.

The small chatter that was in the hall, dimmed into nothing but silence and all the students turned to the front of the hall to the headmaster.

"We have a special announcement. However, it is not to be shared with you until this evening. I ask you to make sure anyone who is not currently present at this moment, will be at dinner tonight. This requires a whole school audience and for those select students who already know of this event, please, I ask you, do not share anything until tonight. Thank you."

Elizabeth slowly opened her eyes, which she had apparently closed during the speech, and turned to see her friends with raised eyebrows that blatantly said; I told you so.

"Piss off," She muttered and snatched the crumbly pastry from James' plate.

"Oi!" He barked, reaching for it but Elizabeth only moved it out of his reach.

"I see you two have made up then?" Marlene asked, picking at her own food.

Elizabeth and James frowned, turning to one another.

"We fell out?" James asked.

"Did we?"

"Ever since the funer- uhm... I just mean that you guys have been on the outs recently," Sirius blubbered.

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