42 | What's Best For Jonathan

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What's Best For Jonathan

Sirius and Elizabeth sat in front of the blazing fire in the Common Room until they heard the first set of footsteps coming down the stairs.

They had collected a blanket and cuddled together beneath it for extra warmth. It was a cold night and they didn't sleep knowing that Remus and Jonathan were out there, in pain, alone and cold.

So when the first footsteps sounded they shot up and flew open the portrait hole and ran down to the hospital wing.

When they arrived, they slowed down their speed to a fast walk and gently pushed the doors open. They found Madam Pomfrey putting a clean dressing on one of Remus's wounds. Elizabeth looked around the ward for her brother but couldn't seem to find him in any of the beds. She and Sirius made their way to Remus's bedside.

"Where's Jon?" Elizabeth asked once they reached his side.

Madam Pomfrey's face suddenly clouded over. The look was almost pitiful.

"May I have a word?"

Elizabeth glanced to Sirius for support but he seemed just as on edge as she felt. She slowly crossed the ward, walking out of earshot from Sirius.

"Where's Jon?" She repeated.

"Your brother was sent home. Your father requests that he take his transformations at home from now on. He is in good hands and has a pack and his alpha, he is safe and well treated and cared for," Pomfrey explained.

"He's at home?" Pomfrey nodded.

"Divicci asked?" Again Pomfrey nodded.

"He's with a pack?" Pomfrey nodded for the third time.

"I am not sure of the details. I'm sure he is happy there and studies prove that being with an animal helps with the change. It's what's best for Jonathan."

"Right, yeah no of course, uhm. How long will he be gone for?"

"Approximately two to three days maximum each transition."


"He will be fine and you will be the first to know of anything otherwise."

"Thank you, Pomfrey," Elizabeth said and walked back over to Sirius.

She dragged the stool on the other side of Sirius and sat herself down on it.

"Everything alright?" He asked gently.

"Jon is off with a pack. I can bloody well guess which one that might be. Bloody bitch, my parents are only thinking of the Dark Lord, what about Jon? I bet he didn't want to be shipped off back home once a month to be with Greyback, the fucking arseholes"

"Feel better?"


"I'm sure your brother is fine. If not, I'm sure you will know and he'll be back in what... a few days?" Elizabeth nodded. "There you have it, you'll see him again shortly."

"This time last year was when Loo died. It's her birthday tomorrow. That was the last time I saw her before she was called home and killed. What if Jon is called home and I never see him again? I can't let the last time I see my little brother is when we were burying our older one."

"El, you're overthinking-"

"No, I'm not Sirius. My parents... they're ruthless. If Lucinda's father killed his son and my parents left Jake to die with me, do you really think they wouldn't sacrifice Jon for the cause?"

"I'm not sure," Sirius admitted, looking at Remus.

"I can't I just- if he dies, I'm done."

"He won't and if he does we'll kill Divicci ourselves, alright?" Sirius asked, looking her in the eye.

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