49 | Going To Regret That Black

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Going To Regret That Black

James' birthday soon came and went. The Gryffindor's threw the same celebrations as always, James got bladdered and everyone else was hungover for classes the following day.

It was now nearly a month later and the full moon was approaching. Remus and Jonathan had been showing signs of the pre-mooniness by the way they would rub there knees absently or look a sickly pale shade and the bags beneath there eyes were more noticeable.

Elizabeth knew they must both be in a terrible amount of pain so she did everything she could think of to ease there pain. The days leading up to the moon she'd brewed countless amounts of pain relief potions and sleeping draughts for them. Headache potions and muscle relaxers. Her hands by the full moon were swollen and sore from the amount of use they had been under from writing essays and notes in classes to brewing potions for hours on end night after night.

Sirius and Elizabeth had sat up in the common room that night. Jonathan had left a day prior to the moon and Elizabeth had seen him off with his bag packed and said a goodbye - which had lasted for close to an hour - they hugged for several long minutes, talking into one another's shoulder and promising to see the other in two days time when Jon would be returning. Elizabeth wished him well, to be safe and to not do anything silly which he laughed and swore he would not. Once Elizabeth had watched the flames burn out from the floo network she walked down the corridors to her detention. Therefore because of the detention, she had recieved the previous day for not handing in an assignment - Elizabeth was not back in time to be able to see Remus off for the full moon. For the first time since she had found out.

When the first rays of sun had risen the two had begun to walk to the hospital wing. This time much more casually than the previous month for they knew the likelihood of Remus being injured was far less than before.

However when they arrived at the hospital wing it was to find Madam Pomfrey rushing around, stressing and brewing potions too fast in fact she was spilling half the mixture. McGonnagall was stood to the side of the room surveying the people in the room with a shadow cast over her face. Dumbledore was stood beside McGonnagall, he too had the same haunted look she was wearing.

Sirius suddenly pushed away from Elizabeth and ran inside screaming and crying for Remus asking "Where is he?" and "Is he ok?" and just calling his name over and over.

"Sirius you cannot be in here" McGonnagall said, approaching Sirius cautiously.

"Where is he?" he demanded

"Sirius" Elizabeth - said with a gently voice but firm hoping he got the message they were not wanted right now. He did not.

"Where is he?" Sirius repeated

"Mr Black. We are extremely busy as you can see. It would be better for everyone if you go back to your dormitory or class and wait for a member of the staff table to co-

"NO!" Sirius shouted cutting Pomfrey off "Where the bloody hell is Moony? Just tell me is he ok!"

"He is perfectly fine Mr Black. Mr Lupin is resting in the far bed over there" Pomfrey said pointing to a bed, which did indeed hold a sleeping Remus Lupin.

"Thankyou Pomfrey" Elizabeth said placing a hand on Sirius shoulder and pulling him away. Pomfrey nodded in gratitude and simply turned back to continue with the potions. "Is there anything i can do to help? I'm advanced in potions and fairly quick. I wouldn't mind" Elizabeth offered.

Pomfrey shook her head frantically "No, no dear it's quite alright"

Elizabeth nodded and she pulled Sirius away and out of the wing - Sirius had been looking back over his shoulder the entire time - until McGonnagall and Dumbledore came outside with them and shut the door behind themselves.

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