83 | Family Reunion

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Family Reunion

CW: Emetophobia & mention of blood.

Wednesday 2nd January, 1974

Elizabeth had never hated alcohol so much in her life, except when she woke up on the first day of 1974. She had dried sick clinging to her hair, she didn't know if it were her own or Billius'. Her eyes felt like they were being scooped out of her head, and everyone in the manor didn't move for hours. Everyone had left at around three am and Elizabeth, James, Sirius and Remus hadn't called it a night there.

After many rounds of drinking with Dorcas, Frank, Lily and the others they continued to play the game after sneaking the drinks into James' bedroom.

Two bottles later, James spouting how lucky he was and that Lily was warming up to him, Elizabeth sharing the same but about Regulus, Sirius and Remus crawling across the floor and fighting over a blanket. They fell asleep dotted around on the floor of James' room.

They spent January 1st, delicately. Euphemia and Fleamont hungover too, but they all helped clean up after Elizabeth did her magic and cooked an early hangover breakfast for them all. Euphemia looked so grateful to her and they spent the day cleaning the ballroom, living room and the gardens of the manor.

On the second day of the new year they were all feeling a lot better after a good nights rest, and the exhaustion of cleaning faded away into nothingness. Elizabeth was sat around the small dinner table, James at her left, Remus at her right, Sirius sat next to Remus as Fleamont took a seat beside James and Euphemia sat between her husband and Sirius. They ate a lovely breakfast, laughing, and James and Sirius kicking each other under the table.

"James would you comb that bloody hair of yours." Elizabeth scolded, pressing down on the stray head of curls.

James moved his head back and glared at Elizabeth. He held eye contact as he reached up and shook his hair out, messing it all up again.

"No" he said bluntly, turning back to his food.

"Don't bother dear" Fleamont laughed "Effie's tried for years and if my wife has given up it's time you do the same."

"I wonder if Lily would prefer it messy or combed?" Elizabeth thought out loud, grinning as she watched James immediately touch his hair.

"That's what I thought" She muttered and cut up her waffle.

"James darling can you let the owl in?" Euphemia smiled as James nodded and opened the window letting the bird in.

"It's just the paper" he dropped the Daily Prophet to the centre of the table but Elizabeth immediately snatched it up and read it eagerly.

"We'll just read it when your done then" Sirius laughed as he watched Elizabeth read the paper so close to her face.

"What's the matter?" Remus asked as he saw the small frown in her face.

Elizabeth looked up. "Does Bibury Village sound familiar to any of you?"

James, Remus, Sirius and Fleamont all shook there heads.

"Oh yes it's where that lovely friend of yours lives isn't it?" Euphemia said.

Elizabeth frowned. "Which one?"

"Why are you-"

"Which friend" Elizabeth cut Sirius off.

"Uhm.. I think- oh what was his name.? He has that girlfriend who lives in France and she went back home with and Billius..?"

"Oh you mean Derek" James nodded.

Elizabeth felt her blood run cold as she re-read the headline to the Daily Prophet,

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