81 | French sleds and Snow

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French sleds and Snow

Monday 24 December, 1973

Regulus opened his eyes with a lot of effort this morning. He had cried massively the previous night, the deaths and ghosts of the people he had watched die haunted his dreams. He pushed past the sadness, the want to hide away in his room because people had died, people he knew. Elizabeth, if she didn't already know, would be feeling the loss and blaming herself most likely. Thinking that it had been at the hands of her family when in fact it had been Regulus' family link. Lucius Malfoy.

Regulus forced himself out of bed to face Elizabeth. To tell her the news and comfort her. To make her happy and help her heal. That was the only reason Regulus was getting up. Today he was going to France.

He carried on as usual, doing all his usual daily activities. Regulus got up, showered, brushed his teeth, had a piss, threw on a mixture of the black or grey clothes he owned (these seemed to be the only colors the Black family wore - except at weddings) and shoved his shoes on. He ate breakfast the same as any other, in silence as his father soaked in all the information in the Daily Prophet and told Walburga what he deemed necessary to speak on. When he was dismissed he played a game of wizards chess with Kreacher and waited until it was time to apparate to France. He had asked as soon as he had arrived at Grimmauld Place if he could spend Christmas Eve with a friend, he had lied and said Cassilda, and Walburga agreed quickly.

The Potter Manor was in a frenzy. The boys had, of course, left all the packing until the morning of there departure. Remus had arrived two nights ago and had packed accordingly before he arrived to the Potter's. Euphemia had praised him and scolded both Sirius and James for there lack of planning. Now, an hour before they were due to leave (after sleeping in and refusing to get up when Remusand failed) James and Sirius were now rushing, throwing clothes into there trunks and random other things. Remus picking things back out and folding them neatly placing them back in without either of the boys noticing as they ran around the room, shouting and laughing.

"BOYS ARE YOU NEARLY READY?" Euphemia shouted up the stairs twenty minutes before they were due to apparate to the Carter house.

"NO MUM WERE NOT!" James screamed down.

"Oh for goodness sake!" Remus heard Euphemia mutter and laughed to himself.

"What are you laughing at Moony?" Sirius snapped as he shoved a muggle t-shit into his trunk carelessly.

"You should've packed last night. When I told you too."

"Yeah yeah. Moony's right. Always listen to Moony blah blah blah.. just help us would you?" James begged.

"If you actually looked at your trunks you might notice I already have been?" Remus grinned, as both boys stopped in there tracks and looked to there trunks. There clothes had been folded neatly and even the top Sirius had just thrown in was folded.

"Merlin Moony you saint!" James beamed flinging his arms around Remus's shoulder and kissing him like a mad man on the face.

"Get off me!" He laughed pushing James away.

"You loved that" James grinned.

"Sod off you great mutt"

"Oi!" Sirius snapped from across the room "Nothing wrong with being a mutt" he mumbled making James and Remus burst into a fit of laughter.

"Have you seen my coat?" Marlene asked.

"No, have you checked your wardrobe?" Lily asked from Marlene's bed.

"What do you think I'm looking at now?" Marlene said sarcastically, turning her head past the open wardrobe door she was currently holding.

"Have you checked your trunk?" Mary asked.

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