84 | The family Secret

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The family Secret

Sunday January 6th, 1974

Elizabeth refused to speak to anyone about what had happened in the manor. When she'd finally come stumbling out of the fireplace, dried blood clinging to her skin, her jerking away from anyone who dared to move too quick around her. Every time the topic was brought to light, Elizabeth either changed the topic, or made herself busy with cleaning.

Every time, Sirius brought up the same questions. "What happened?" Or. "Why were you bleeding?" Or. "You need to talk about it El." She would only laugh and walk away, every time she would subconsciously reach up and touch her neck where the raised skin of the cut sprawled across it - this had become quite a habit now. Cassilda had done a good job, considering how deep the wound had been, but if Elizabeth looked closely - and she did - she could see the outline of the old wound, immediately forcing her to look away.

She didn't talk about that with anyone though. She didn't talk about Sebastian. The only person she had talked to about that, was now dead. She didn't talk about her brother who she'd watched die, rise from the dead and in the process nearly dying herself. Elizabeth didn't talk about the new nightmares she had every night since. And Elizabeth especially didn't talk about Derek and Julia. It wasn't that hard to do, since everyone in the Potter manor were mourning themselves. It was too painful to talk about.

The two of them had been the soul of Hogwarts, keeping everyone a float. No one wanted to think about what the castle would feel like without Derek's loud laugh, and fierce love for his friends. Without Julia's comforting words, and soothing voice, without her glaring at any Slytherin who dare go near Lily or Mary, or even look their direction.

Hogwarts certainly wouldn't be the same these next few months.

Now, the morning of returning to Hogwarts for the new year, everyone in the Potter's household were silent. Usually, Elizabeth would be laughing - unable to stop, or staying quiet about how happy she was to be returning back to the castle, now it seemed like a sick joke.

Elizabeth was returning back to a castle with nothing but painful memories around every corner. She would go back, there would be a small speech made about the ones lost, then they'd go back to classes. Elizabeth would have secrets weighing down on her, nightmares torturing her only moments of peace, spite in the fact that every time she would look over to Jonathan or Radolphus, knowing that Jake was back, but she couldn't tell them and had to watch as they struggled alone. No, Elizabeth was far from happy to be returning, but she didn't have much choice about the matter at all.

As Euphemia fussed over the three children on the platform, kissing every square inch of James' face, hugging the air out of Sirius and Remus' lungs, Fleamont hugging them all a lot gentler than his wife had just done, Elizabeth stood a few yards away, watching from the side lines.

Euphemia understood that in the past four days Elizabeth had reverted back to the first time she had come to Potter Manor, scared and seemingly alone. So, she simply smiled to Elizabeth politely.

"Have a good term your four. James I expect the best behaviour as you finish your third year. Sirius." She turned to him. "That means no more corrupting Jamsie."

Sirius grinned as James went red from embarrassment beside him. "Of course Effie."

Elizabeth was beyond confused by Sirius and Euphemia's relationship. He switched between calling her Effie and mum, and Elizabeth didn't like not understanding it.

"Remus, Elizabeth. Have a good year my darlings. Be safe alright, and look out for these two?"

Remus nodded. "Of course, Mrs Potter."

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