37 | Bloody Mess

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Bloody Mess

CW: Mention of blood

The remaining days of the Christmas holiday until they returned to Hogwarts on January 6th passed by excruciatingly slowly.

Every day there were new attacks. Every time Elladora, Divicci, and Jake disappeared off and came back covered in dried blood and dirt.

On January 5th, 1973 things were different. Elladora came slamming her way into the manor followed by an angry looking Divicci. Elizabeth and Cassilda were sat in the parlor when their parents entered.

"What the hell happened!" Elizabeth shouted running over to her father.

"Don't you dare talk to me in that tone!" he shouted.

Divicci rolled Jake out of his arms and onto the floor. He had been injured badly. Through his shirt were wounds that were bleeding out and onto the floor. He was already in a pool of his own blood and there were deep and jagged cuts across his chest, arms, legs, and on his neck.

Jake was pale. If his eyes weren't open, Elizabeth would've mistaken him for dead.

"Come along. We have tried to save him, cast many spells, but it was powerful magic and he cannot be saved. Let him rest and leave us," Divicci said calmly.

Elladora and Divicci left the room. Elizabeth bent down and pushed her hands onto her brother's body to try and stop the bleeding.

"Cass, help me. There's too much blood, I can't stop it on my own."

"Father said there is nothing to be done."


"Beth, I cannot."

Elizabeth looked up to her sister. "Cassilda, I swear on everything we have, if you do not help me Jake will die. All we have to do is slow down the bleeding. If you leave now, he will die."

"I- I'm sorry Jake. I can't," Cassilda said as she ran out of the room.

Elizabeth was left with her brother bleeding out in her arms in the parlor. She had sat down now and pulled him in so he was lying between her legs so she could stop the bleeding in his chest better.

"Bethy," Jake whispered.

"Shhh, save your energy, Jake."

"Listen to me. I'm sorry for everything the past months. Ever since I got the dark mark-"

"Jake, tell me later. Right now, I need you to save your energy to live."

"Beth, I'm not going to make it."

Elizabeth couldn't hold back the tears. "Please don't leave me."

"I know we've never said it before and it may not seem like it but I- I love you, Bethy," Jake whispered up to her.

Elizabeth looked down at her brother's face. He was getting paler and paler from the loss of blood.

"I love you too," she sobbed.

"It pained me to be horrible and mistreat you the way I- the way I did. I was out hurting people and I couldn't- Beth, I couldn't face you knowing what I became. I hated myself."

"It's ok," she said, pressing harder to his wounds. "It's ok, Jay, I forgive you and I'm so sorry I didn't try harder. I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"I love you, Beth. Please don't blame yourself. I love- I love you so much. You, Cass, and Jon. Please tell Jon I'm sorry, please."

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