55 | Lost and found and dusty Rooms

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Lost and found and dusty Rooms

Night had fallen over the castle long ago. Elizabeth was sat with Regulus and Barty outside the greenhouses, Regulus was sat, propped up against the glass pane of the flower house with Elizabeth leaning her head against his leg and Barty was leaning the same as Regulus against the opposite greenhouse. They had gone to the Slytherin party, hosted in Regulus' honor but as he wasn't a social person Barty and Elizabeth stole him a bottle of witches brew and firewhiskey for the night and they went and walked out onto the grounds and hid behind the greenhouses for hours.

It was a chilly night, the wind was gentle but cold and gave a flushed blush to each of there faces. They had drank the bottle of Firewhiskey - Elizabeth had tried not to but she had drank the majority of that bottle - as Barty and Regulus mainly stuck to witches brew.

"Honestly El i don't know how you stomach that" Barty said, moving the bottle in her area and then took a swig of it.

She grinned to herself and took a sip "The point isn't wether it tastes nice. It does the job and that's what i drink for so.."

"It hurts though.. like.. burrnsss"

"Pass us that then" Regulus said leaning forwards and grabbing the bottle from his best mate.

"It's called Firewhiskey for a reason numbnutts"

"Still" Barty mumbled and rolled over to his side and faced the pair "did you enjoy your birthday then Reg"

He nodded "Hogsmeade was amazing, truly. I've heard people talk but merlin it was amazing"

"Shame first years can't go. Your little faces" she said grabbing Barty's cheek and squeezing it


She laughed and removed her hand, rolling onto her back and looking at the stars again. "It's bit cold"


"we can go inside if you wish?" Regulus offered.

She shook her head against his leg "s'alright"

Regulus took off his jacket and lay it on top of her "Reg.." she whispered to him feeling guilty

"Your cold" he said as he smiled down at her.

"Ugh.. getta room!"

They finally decided to head back to the castle when they had finished the last of the drinks and the temperature had begun to rapidly decrease.

"Do you want me to walk you?" Regulus asked as Barty entered the Slytherin Common room.

"Your already here.. i'll be fine Reg i'll see you tomorrow" she said and before thinking of it, leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

She walked away and left him stood, confused as the Slytherin Portrait hung open waiting for him to enter.

It had been four days since Regulus' birthday. Elizabeth had seen him from across the hall during breakfast, lunch and dinners. Sirius had told Elizabeth the morning following the Hogsmeade trip how James had attacked him for making deer puns and Lily had told her how insufferable James was. Elizabeth grinned at the fact Lily had - a few months back - moved to the other end of the table to sit closer to Mary and Marlene. James did not like this arrangement and had begun to shout how much he loved his Lily Flower and he couldn't wait for the marriage.

Elizabeth wasn't surprised Lily was rejecting James. The way he acted around her was embarrassing and Lily preferred mature men. Elizabeth also noted how Sirius had leapt from four girls in the past week alone, he was now known as Hogwarts heartthrob.

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