82 | New Year's Eve

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New Year's Eve

Regulus was stood in front of the mirror fixing his tie. He was to be attending two balls this evening; the first with his parents and other pureblood purists only. The second, with Elizabeth and a very new crowd of the Potter's, half-bloods and muggle-borns. Regulus didn't mind though, he was just happy Elizabeth had asked him to go at all.

For a good hour after the Potter's house elf had apparated within the confines of his room he had doubted it had been Elizabeth at all. He'd been paranoid that someone had stolen a elf to tell him to go to this specific ball, that Elizabeth would definitely be there, just for him to go and her not even invite him and ruin what little they had left of there friendship. Then he realized he was really overthinking it and allowed the small possibility that Elizabeth still wanted to be friends.

Regulus had decided on his usual black tuxedo with a white tie. His hair was flowing graciously backwards, out of his face. Regulus was ready but first, he had to show an appearance the Rosier Manor, where this years ball would take place. Regulus walked down the rickety staircase to where Walburga and Orion were stood waiting for him.

"Mother, Father" He nodded curtly.

"Regulus, what took you so long?" Walburga snapped already undoing his tie and retying it tighter than necessary.

Regulus blinked clearing his throat. "Sorry mother, I was making myself look presentable."

"Well next time don't take so long. You never know who you might be leaving to wait on your behalf"

Walburga apparated away the second they left the Fidelius borders of Grimmauld Place, Orion offered out an arm for Regulus to take. Regulus took it hesitantly, and waited for Orion to apparate.

"You look very smart Regulus." Orion said before Regulus could respond and apparated across the country to Rosier Manor.

Five hours until midnight.

Guests were flowing in steadily. Euphemia and Fleamont being the polite hosts, showing their guests around the manor to the drinks table, ballroom and outdoor area. James instantly followed by greeting the guests who were still entering an hour in, giving them a brief tour before returning to where Elizabeth was stood with Remus.

"Blimey I didn't even know mum and dad knew this many people" James sighed and propped an elbow up onto Elizabeth's shoulder.

"Well they are Aurors." Elizabeth raised her eyebrow.

"I think most of these are part of the resistance" Sirius said gliding over to the three of them.

Elizabeth let out an irritated sigh. "Can we not have one bloody evening without talk of the war!" she snapped walking away, James stumbling slightly at the loss of support.

"What's the matter with her?" Sirius frowned looking at James then Remus.

"The war seems to be getting to her." Remus said, looking off in the direction Elizabeth went to talk with Alice.

"It's getting to everyone, but she doesn't need to be a moody arse about the whole thing." Sirius snapped.

"Alright Pads." James warned. "She's in the middle of it all."

"So am I and you don't see me being a bratt about the whole thing."

Remus and James both raised an eyebrow at Sirius, who narrowed his eyes at them both. "Oh fuck off." He snapped turning to observe the party. "Where's Evans anyway James?"

Remus grinned. "I haven't seen her yet." James was rolling on the heels of his feet now, hands shoved in his pockets, eyes roving the sea of witches and wizards.

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