112 | A time of blessings and Sufferings

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A time of blessings and Sufferings

TW: Child abuse, possible triggering events as well as physical and verbal abuse.

Friday 22nd September, 1974

"Oh this better be more important than the discovery of bloody magic itself," Sirius yawned, very slowly pulling his robes over himself as the other three Marauders were slouching by the dormitory door.

When Sirius looked up after too long of a silence, it was to find that Peter was leaning against the door by the back of his neck and shoulders with the rest of his body leaning away from him. His mouth hanging open with eyes wide staring to the ceiling above, keeping him from falling asleep standing.

James stood beside him in a similar position, the only noticeable difference was that his mouth wasn't trying to reach the floor, his body leaning against the oak door with one hand squirming behind his glasses, rubbing his eyes every other second.

Remus, on the other hand, opted to lean against the bedpost nearest to the door, where he took his position next to James with his left hand gripping his right bicep. Remus was practically asleep as they all waited for Sirius to finish, they didn't seem to realize that he'd been talking for twenty minutes.

Sirius scanned the room, looking for something to throw their way. He was half asleep himself, so he did hope it wouldn't be anything harmless, he definitely didn't want to cast a spell their direction in case he accidentally cast an unforgivable towards his three best friends, practically his brothers, and land himself in Azkaban for years on end for everyone to then realize it was a simple mistake.

When he nearly dropped to the floor from tripping over his own robes, or maybe his own two feet, he gave up and turned to the other Marauders. "Oi!"

Very suddenly; Remus, Peter and James snapped into action, stumbling forward with snorts, rapid blinking and wiping the drool from their mouths.

"What?" Blurted Peter, eyes still horrifically wide.

"Are you ready now?" Remus blinked, twitching his nose and adjusting his head.

"Have any of you actually been listening to me?" Sirius waited for an answer but simultaneously all three of them seemed to puff their cheeks and let out a quiet sigh, ones that Sirius would not have been able to hear had it not been for his advanced hearing when focusing.

"Of course we were!" James chirped, moving forward whilst earning himself concerned and half irritated looks from both Remus and Peter for both his loudness and sudden joy at this hour of the morning. "Right guys? Yeah, c'mon Pads, we're all ready now, let's go meet Lils."

"What did I say then?" Sirius grinned, crossing his arms over his chest and watching as James opened and closed his mouth with distress written across his face.

"Stop it, Sirius," Peter scolded.

"No fun... let's go before-"

"Remus?.. Peter?.. Sirius?.. James?" Lily's loud, whispering voice interrupted from the hallway of the boys' dorms.

"How'd she even get in here?"

"Really?" Remus chuckled beneath his breath as he went to open the door. "It's Lily."

"Plus, I think she's been in here before," Peter looked between them.

"Probably," Remus shrugged before opening the door and allowing Lily, Mary, Alice, Marlene and Dorcas inside.

"Thought it was just you Lils," Peter covered his mouth as he spoke, a long and deep yawn escaping him - forcing Marlene and Alice to copy his actions.

Lily only shrugged. "I asked you all to be awake and ready at six thirty yesterday, didn't I?"

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