54 | Lily Flower, don't be Angry

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Lily Flower, don't be Angry

It was nearing June 25th. Regulus' birthday, putting Sirius in a sour mood. Always hissing of how horrid Regulus was, how much Sirius hated Regulus. Elizabeth was beginning to grow annoyed at Sirius bad mouthing her friend, but she said nothing and quietly muttered a string of threats under breath.

Elizabeth had been to visit the man she had helped, but he'd been forced into a medically induced coma, so she just sat with him for several hours twice a week. Elizabeth sat and read wizarding books to him, the Daily Prophet - leaving out the rising war - and changed his flowers.

According to the healers at the reception, she had been the only one to visit him in the past few days he had been there. So that was why she continued to visit him. His swelling had gone down slightly in his face during the four days and you could now see the outline of his jaw. Elizabeth thought he seemed familiar, but didn't dwell on it.

Cassilda and she had begun to wander the villages three nights a week, sometimes even four. It had been too much searching every night and they needed to catch up on essays and studies. This made Remus and Lily beam at her at the fact she was trying at her schoolwork again and she couldn't help the smile that played across her own face.

On the morning of Regulus' birthday came, she left a note on her bed for Lily, Mary and Marlene so they wouldn't wait up on her for breakfast. It was a Saturday and a Hogsmeade weekend. As it was the last weekend before they left on July 1st for summer break. She planned to spend the day sneaking Regulus and Barty into Hogsmeade for the first time - as they were still first years and weren't allowed Hogsmeade weekends until the following year - so she showed them the passageway Alexander had showed her in her first year, and waited for them on the other side in Hogsmeade Village.

"Happy birthday," she smiled, helping to pull Regulus out of the trapdoor.

He smiled at her and thanked her as they checked if the shop owner was coming and decided to stay quiet, sneaking their way out of the Honeydukes cellar. When they got out onto the streets ten minutes later, Elizabeth looked around at the little thatched cottages and small sweet shops the same as Regulus and Barty. The two boys were looking around in complete awe at the little Wizarding village, with a grin on her face she grabbed both of their hands and pulled them along to the Three Broomsticks.

"Just wait until you taste their butterbeer," she said as she pushed the door open. Elizabeth scanned the bar for any signs of the boys and when she saw none of them, she pulled them inside and ushered them to a table in the corner.

"What can I get you dear?" Madam Rosmerta asked as she cleaned the inside of a glass.

"Three butterbeers, please."

"Coming right up."

After a few minutes of waiting, Rosmerta came back over with a tray of three butterbeers and Elizabeth paid her the sickles and walked over to where Regulus and Barty were sitting.

"Here you go boys," she grinned, sitting beside Barty and handing them each a beer.

They all took a sip and Elizabeth choked into her glass when she saw Regulus, so did Barty.

"Mate you've.. got something," Barty smirked, pointing to his mouth and trying to hide his laughter.

Regulus wiped his mouth but missed a little bit of the froth.

"Here," Elizabeth said, leaning over the table and wiping the froth of beer from Regulus' lips. She hesitated to move them away but shook herself and sat back down quickly with a blush to her face. Barty raised an amused brow at the two and they carried on sipping their beers and began talking quietly amongst themselves.

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