24 | Muggle Park

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Muggle Park

Elizabeth and Regulus had met once every week during the rest of summer. She would be apparated to Number 12 Grimmauld Place by either Divicci or Elladora. Elizabeth and Regulus would simply wander through the muggle park, through to the small wooded area just beyond. Every time, they would always sit for hours on the same bench under a beautiful blossom tree until night fell, and Regulus had to go back to the halls of Number 12.

In between these visits Elizabeth would write to Sirius, and sometimes she would see him when she was with Regulus, but the two brothers hadn't made up yet, so it was very awkward to be in the middle of it all. She couldn't write to any of the other Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs without angering her parents. Sirius had told everyone the reason, so that the letters would stop coming to Selwyn Manor and hurting Elizabeth in ways they could not imagine.

She wrote to her Slytherin friends with no complaints from Elladora nor Divicci.

When she wasn't with Regulus or Jonathan and Jake, she was with her parents doing their bidding for the Dark Lord. She was taken off her task after being given a 'generous' dose of the Cruciatus from the Dark Lord - it had felt as if three people were casting it upon her from how angry he seemed to be - after that, Elizabeth was handed smaller, more meaningless tasks to work her way back up the ranks and prove herself all over again from the bottom, being deemed incompetent to fulfil her noble duties. She was, of course, thrilled by this revelation, but her parents were positively furious. They had tortured and cut her when any opportunity had arisen for the remainder of the summer. Thankfully, soon it was to be September 1st, 1972.

Elizabeth was in her bed as her mother and father were shouting about the Dark Lord. Apparently, he would be staying at the manor whilst all four children would be at Hogwarts. Then, she heard her name and decided to cast a silencing spell so she wouldn't be hurt anymore for overhearing a private conversation that would be none of her concern down the line. Her right side had already bruised, since several nights ago Cassilda and Divicci had practiced on her again. Her leg wounds had reopened when Divicci had slashed at it again the previous night, causing her to limp and wince whenever she would breathe too much air, or put too much weight on her leg.

Elizabeth had decided to wear a simple black dress that tucked her body in and was tight against her skin. This year, her second year, she would be leaving for Hogwarts with all three of her siblings. She was excited to have Jonathan there, but not so much Cassilda anymore.

Divicci had disapparated them all, going in twos each time as Elladora was busy - most likely - killing for the Dark Lord.

When her feet touched the ground, Divicci placed a tight grip on her shoulder, one that would surely bruise as he spoke. "If you so much as look at the Potter boy, I will find out. Don't ever go near him, or his friends, again, Elizabeth."

He let go and pushed her away roughly. When she caught her balance after a slight stumble, she found that Cassilda and Jonathan had gone over to Rabastan Lestrange, Amos Nott, and Lilith Rosier.

Elizabeth turned and boarded the Hogwarts Express, beginning her search for an empty compartment. She hadn't seen Alexander so far, nor Regulus or Sirius. Then she saw her boys. She slid open the compartment door, peeping her head inside.

Sirius was laying across Remus' lap as he read a book to him, while Peter was levitating James upside down.

"Good Morning," she said, taking a seat opposite Remus and Sirius as they were taking up the entire other bench. She felt weird being near them now that her parents had forbidden it. She wouldn't be able to relax.

"Morning," they all chorused.

"Sit back, El, it's going to be a long ride," Sirius said. He suddenly noticed how she was sitting more to the edge of the bench, with a fixed posture and one arm cupping her to the side. "Are you alright?"

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