30 | November 3rd 1972

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November 3rd, 1972

CW: adult imagery and alcohol use

During the final few days of October, Elizabeth was still recovering, but she was released just after a day in the hospital wing. She was told to rest and avoid any more hexes, if that were possible.

November rolled around and soon, it was Sirius's birthday. Elizabeth had decided to throw the mother of all parties for her best friend as he was turning thirteen. So, she went and looked for James, Remus, and Lily. Elizabeth brought them to a passageway she'd recently found. Marlene, Mary, and Peter were with Sirius, distracting him for the time being, while they planned his birthday party.

The plan was, not to mention anything to him all day, to trick him as if they had forgotten. Then, when he would walk into the common room, everyone would be there with a party in full swing, Sirius as the centre of attention for the rest of the night. It was a Tuesday, but that didn't seem to stop anyone.

Elizabeth walked around informing all the Gryffindors, Dorcas, Jonathan, Jackson, Ava, and the rest of the Hufflepuff's of the party. She even told Jake, Amos, Andromeda, and some of the other Slytherin's that she knew got along with Sirius. The last thing Elizabeth wanted was for Evan or Lucius to make an appearance, ending the night with a duel between the boys.

So, when Elizabeth made her way down to breakfast with the girls the morning of November 3rd, it was to see a very irritated-looking Sirius.

"What's wrong with you?" Elizabeth asked, taking a seat beside Sirius.

"Nothing. Nothing at all," Sirius snapped.

Elizabeth tried to bite back the grin forming on her face.

"What, did you think we forgot what today was?" she asked.

Sirius immediately broke out into a grin. "I knew you guys didn't forget. Merlin, was I pissed off."

"How could we forget? I mean, it is my release day," Elizabeth said.

Sirius's grin immediately fell as he turned to face her. "Your what?"

"My release day," she repeated, "You know, I'm officially healed and no longer need the supervision of Madam Pomfrey anymore. What were you talking about?"

"Yeah, that. Your release day," Sirius said, taking an aggressive bite from his toast.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Elizabeth broke it again.

"Merlin, you baby, we didn't forget your birthday, calm down, Sirius." She swung an arm over his shoulder as a grin broke out on his face.

"You gits!"

They headed to classes, then had lunch with James, Remus, and Peter singing 'happy birthday' to Sirius, with half of the hall joining in. Once dinner rolled around, they repeated it all over again with even more people joining in this time. Sirius had received tons of 'happy birthday's, along with several pats on the back. The Slytherins were looking even more grouchy than usual the entire day, glaring at the Gryffindors whenever they passed, muttering threats as they went.

Sirius was walking back up to the common room, along with the several other second-year Gryffindors.

"Godric," Peter said to the Fat lady before stepping inside of the common room.


"Bloody hell," Sirius said, jumping back from the sudden noise.

"Happy birthday, Sirius," Mary said, placing a hand to his upper arm.

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