53 | Ten bottles on the Pitch & the levitating Man

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Ten bottles on the Pitch

CW: Mention of suicidal thoughts

Elizabeth led the other twelve out onto the empty quidditch pitch where she emptied the contents of the bag and pulled out, three bottles of Firewhiskey, two bottles or Witches Brew, two bottles of Beetle Berry Whiskey and three bottles of Pure Malt Whiskey.

"Bloody hell Elizabeth" Frank muttered as the group looked at her in astonishment.

"What most of them aren't even open yet. Only two have been opened calm down"

"That doesn't help your case" Ted said smugly

She raised an amused eyebrow "Do you want some or not?"

He rolled his eyes and the group grabbed a bottle and passed them around amongst themselves. It was only eight in the afternoon so they had the whole night to have fun. Remus was in the hospital wing until tomorrow around lunch and was most definitely asleep after having some sleeping draught so he wasn't being left out of anything.

The night past quickly. They stayed out on the pitch and drank, Lily was instructing a certain few to not go and get brooms and ride drunk. Elizabeth, Derek, Ted, James, Mary and Sirius probably had the most to drink.

Frank and Alice had a bottle to themselves and shared it between the two aswell as Marlene and Lily.

The others had there own bottles and of course Elizabeth chose to drink Firewhiskey. It burned her and gave her an immediate buzz after just a sip. After half the bottle she was plastered. After drinking the entire bottle she was hanging off of Marlene as they swayed to music. When did the music even start, she thought. Ted and Billius were the first to leave. It was nearing midnight and the bottles had near to all been emptied.

"think uhm.. head back to castle" Billius slurred as he pushed himself up, using Derek's shoulder for support, the Ted and Alice soon stood up.

"I fink i'll head back wiv youslot" Ted said standing beside Billius.

"You going Al?" Frank asked

She nodded "It's getting late and i'm sleepy so, goodnight love" she said as she went to kiss him on the cheek. Alice and Frank had always acted as a couple, ever since she'd met them in first year, Elizabeth had noticed that's just how they were. As of late Frank and Alice had out a label on it, it wasn't a big thing as everyone had been waiting for it to happen since forever but they were all happy for them.

"Let me walk you"

So at just gone midnight Ted, Billius, Frank and Alice left the other nine on the pitch and snuck back inside the castle and back to Gryffindor common room.

On the other side of the castle, in the dungeons below the black lake, Cassilda was sat in her dormitory with Lilith. The other two girls, who they shared the dorm with were downstairs in the common room. Cassilda was sat crossed legged infront of Lilith who was doing the same. In between them was a board of wizards chess. Cassilda was in the lead so far.

"I'm not sure what to do Lil" Cassilda said as she knocked down one of her knights.

"I know you miss your sister but she is in Gryffindor and it's rumoured that in the past she has failed to prove herself to the cause for the Dark Lord. Maybe this is what's needed Cass"

"What if it were Evan?"

"What do you mean?"

"what if it were Evan who you were being told to distance yourself from by everyone. By your parents, friends, people you don't even know and all you want to do is hug him. Ask if he's ok when he seems sad. Talk to him. What would you do then Lil"

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