68 | Picking Sides

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Picking Sides

The timeline in this chapter is back and forth and kind of confusing but please just bare with me for this, it does make sense I promise.

Elizabeth had went to all of her classes like clockwork that Thursday in mid September of 1973. Until that is, last period. She was running late to Transfiguration and had left her book in the dorm. She told the others to head to class and she'd be there in less than five minutes until that is, halfway through her journey a pair of masculine hands snaked around her throat and wrapped themselves around her mouth preventing her from screaming out. She felt a wand tip to her neck and tensed immediately.

She was being dragged back down the flights of stairs she had just ran up and along the desolate corridors, through the entrance doors and outside across the school grounds. Heading to the Forbidden Forest.


Elizabeth walked out of breakfast that morning. Everyone was talking about the announcement Dumbledore had just said about the upcoming Gryffindor Vs. Ravenclaw match. Saying how Derek was sure to bring home a win this year or how the Ravenclaw captain - Bradley Smith - was going to bring home the win.

It had been less than half an hour and already houses were placing bets on who would win. Who would fall of the broom first. Which seeker would catch the snitch first, will it be Angelina or Katie? Galleons and Galleons were being stowed away and all eyes were on the two teams.

So far, by listening in on everyone else's conversations around her, Elizabeth had managed to figure out some people who were on the Ravenclaw team. Obviously Angelina Prickett as the new seeker. They had Annalee Meadows - Dorcas's older sister - and Lucas Webb and Adam Davis as the Chasers.

She presumed Bradley was either the Keeper or one of the Beaters as they were the only two spots left. Which left two questions rattling around her brain as she made her way to Defense with Gibson.

Who was the new Beaters and Keeper?

She arrived with the other seven in quick time. Everyone less than thrilled to be hearing about how horrid werewolves were and how the slaughtering of the beasts would be a valuable thing to the wizarding world. Elizabeth held her to fire for the hour, not in the mood for another day time detention.

When the hour was up everyone stormed out of the class. The Marauders Lily and Elizabeth hovering protectively around Remus like flies.

"..honestly i think he needs to learn to hold his tongue the arrogant prat" Marlene rambled

"I understand what he means, when they change there.. uncontrollable but if people actually looked into it with care then there could be a cure"

"Or at least a way to tame the violent nature" Marlene added

Mary nodded along "Exactly. Maybe their so violent because it's animal instinct now. Like in the muggle world with prey they have the instinct to attack predators. Maybe it's like that with Werewolves and humans"

"So fear?" Peter asked curiously.

Mary nodded her head rather quickly "Maybe if we stopped spending so much time hunting them then perhaps they wouldn't hunt us"

"Plus, if they really wanted to kill us they could any free time during the day!" Marlene said passionately

"Your forgetting there are werewolves that do kill during the day" Remus mumbled miserably.

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