41 | Second Floor Shenanigans

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Second Floor Shenanigans

Elizabeth walked very slowly back to her Common Room. She was tired and she wanted to go to bed, but she knew she would be bombarded with questions that would drain her the moment she entered the room. She was getting emotional. It was past curfew, so the halls and corridors were empty, all you could hear was the clicking of Elizabeth's heels and the swish of her dress.

She pressed her back against a wall, taking deep breaths and willing the tears back as she gathered her emotions again. She stayed there for several minutes just breathing in and out deeply.

Once she was feeling better, she pushed herself off of the wall and continued her journey to the Gryffindor Common Room. However, before she could reach the Fat Lady, she heard a cat. Mrs. Norris - the caretaker's pet. She sped up her pace, hoping that she wouldn't be caught out of bed past curfew, she really didn't need to get detention tonight.

Thankfully, she did make it back in time, but the Common Room was far from empty once she arrived. The seven second year Gryffindors were sitting on the couches along with; Frank, Alice, Derek and Billius. When they heard the Fat Lady swing open, granting someone entrance, they swivelled their heads to the portrait hole, seeing Elizabeth step inside.

She let out a gasp of fright when she saw them. Taking a large step back, she composed herself yet again.

"There you are!" Lily cried, rushing over.

She grabbed Elizabeth by the shoulders, bringing her into a bone crushing hug. Elizabeth hugged back - a little hesitant at first - but melted into the touch, Lily was an excellent hugger. It made her feel safe and lighter.

"We were getting worried," Frank said.

Elizabeth nodded and Lily let go, standing in front of her - hands still on both shoulders.

"Are you alright?" Lily asked, looking her over with concern in her emerald eyes.

Elizabeth nodded. "It was a lovely ceremony. A lot of people turned up, but it was nice."

"We know," Peter said.

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.

"The whole of bloody Slytherin disappeared," Sirius said.

"There were probably like six people at the table all day!" Mary exclaimed.

"Yeah. The whole plane was basically Slytherin's." Elizabeth walked over to them side by side with Lily and took a seat.

"Did it help?" Billius asked.

"Kind of."


"I'm really sorry, I know you all have probably been sat down here for a while, but I'm really tired and-

"No, of course!" Lily jumped up from the couch. "We were just worried about you, and now we know you're safe, we can all go to bed."

Elizabeth grabbed Lily's hand and walked to the dorms with her. Mary and Marlene stayed downstairs with the others. When Elizabeth reached the dormitory, she let out an exhausted sigh.

"Are you alright? Really?" Lily asked.

"Yeah- yeah, I'm fine."

"El, you don't have to lie to me. I know you and Jake were close, and maybe you drifted a little towards the end, but he did love you. So, so much."

"I know, he told me when he died. We don't say I love you. He was the first person to ever say that to me."

"No one has ever said that to you before?" Elizabeth shook her head. "Not even your parents?"

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