59 | Family hugs & family Problems

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Family hugs & family Problems

CW: Mentions of child abuse.

James and Elizabeth got back to Potter manor to see Euphemia rushing around perfecting the cushions.

"Where have you been" she snapped when she saw the two of them step inside.

"Sorry mum. We went to the park for a walk real quick. You know, wake ourselves up for the guests of honor" he said with a wink.

Elizabeth was still awe struck at the motherly love Effie and Monty gave to James every second of the day. For starters James called them, mum and dad. Elizabeth called her parents by there names or, mother and father. It was formal. They'd didn't joke around with her the way the Potter's did James. If she spoke to Elladora or Divicci the way James had just done, even though it was the smaller joke, she would be on the floor of the library screaming or hissing in pain as punishment.

Instead Effie just smiled and shook her head as she came over and fixed a crease in his shirt.

They jumped away from one another as the sound of apparation sounded from outside. James ran to the door, Elizabeth stayed where she was grinning and Euphemia followed after James. Elizabeth heard Euphemia greet the person at the door.

"Ah Remus dear, come in come in"

Remus stepped inside and Elizabeth crossed the room and the hallway and hugged him tight. He hugged back, after a moment of hesitation as he had not been expecting the sudden hug and it had taken him by surprise.

"Uh..mum said sorry she couldn't make it. Lyall is busy with work and mum was a bit tired so" He cleared his throat as he and Elizabeth pulled apart. He and James had a quick brotherly hug, patting eachother on the backs as they did so.

The five of them sat around the kitchen table, sipping away at drinks in there hands and talking of plans for the next week. Remus was sat talking to Fleamont. The two had been laughing at something every five minutes since they had started talking.

Euphemia was gushing over Elizabeth and James would just grin and say something to add to it. She didn't mind it, if she was closer to Effie and spent as much time here as Sirius or Remus did she would probably considered Euphemia to be a second mother to her. She treated everyone as if they were her own. Both the Potter's did. Sirius and Remus were basically their other children.

Someone soon apparated outside and James and Elizabeth soon jumped up and ran to the door. They both pushed eachother out the way as they ran, tripping over things and falling but soon they both heaved the door open. Smiling widely and they were about to hug Sirius when they realized it wasn't Sirius at all. Elizabeth smiled faded instantly and she let her arms fall to her side.

"Jonathan" she said, just above a whisper

"Ugh.. come in mate" James said holding out an arm and helping him inside.

However before they closed the door Sirius and Alphard had apparated and Elizabeth was snapped out of her daze as she ran to Sirius and jumped onto him. He grabbed her tight and swung her round laughing.

"Missed me much?" he asked with amusement clear in his voice

"Don't push it"

She jumped down and James soon came and hugged him the same as he had with Remus.

"Mr Black. Pleasure to see you again sir" Elizabeth said bowing her head at the man.

He grinned at her "Elizabeth child, you don't have to act all posh around me. It's alright"

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