07 | Wolf

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Elizabeth had never slept the night of a full moon. She felt that if her brother had to be up all night, in conditions brutally worse than her own suffering, then so would she. She stayed down in the common room, staring at the clock, finishing up the final touches to her Transfiguration essay. When the wizarding clock struck six am, Elizabeth stood from her place, nestled beneath blankets on the sofa, and walked through the portrait door.

She made her way down the winding corridors and up the twisting towers, towards the owlery. Elizabeth wanted to write Cassilda a letter, just to know of Jonathan's condition, if he was injured and that Cassilda treated him accordingly. She wouldn't get the answers she wanted now, until several days time.

Selwyn Manor

Cassilda Selwyn,

How's Jon? Was he hurt badly? How many new scars does he have - if he has any, that is? I hope you gave him a pain relief potion, a strong one. He gets terrible aches for days afterwards. He'll need a headache draught too. Please owl me back as soon as you can.

Your sister, Elizabeth.

Once finished writing the short letter, Elizabeth re-read it several times before folding it delicately into an envelope, sealing it shut with the wax seal of the Selwyn family house crest. She scanned the rows of owls for the fastest one to deliver the letter as quickly as possible. Once she chose her owl, Elizabeth quickly wound the letter to the owl's ankle and let it sour across the sky. She knew Jonathan would already be back in his human form, which also meant Remus would be too.

Elizabeth had no hint of an idea where Remus could possibly go for the full moons. So, Elizabeth did the only thing she thought she could and walked straight to the front doors of the hospital wing, sat herself on the floor, back to the wall, and waited until Remus came into view. She hoped that he would be brought straight to the hospital wing after such a life-threatening night.

Around forty minutes later, she saw Remus being held up by Madam Pomfrey. Elizabeth stood immediately, rushing forward to pull one of Remus' arms around her shoulder, helping both him and Madam Pomfrey.

"It's alright, I've got him. Do you need any assistance with brewing the potion for him?" Elizabeth asked, as she adjusted Remus's weight. Meanwhile, Madam Pomfrey stepped forward to open the doors.

"No no, it's quite alright dear. How was it you knew to find Mr Lupin here?" Pomfrey looked sceptically at her.

"She figured it out," Remus rasped, his voice thick.

"I have a friend, outside of Hogwarts that has this condition as well," Elizabeth explained the best she could to the older witch in such an open space.

Madam Pomfrey nodded, making her way quickly towards a bed for Remus to lay in and rest.

"Can I stay? I'll be very quiet so he can rest," Elizabeth asked. "I promise."

"As long as you let Mr Lupin rest, that's fine." Pomfrey handed Remus a purple potion, which he gulped down eagerly.

Elizabeth stood and began pulling the blankets over his tired and weak frame.

"I can do that myself, you know," Remus said shrugging her off.

"Stop it." She swatted his hands away. "You need rest, so I suggest you accept my help and sleep, Remus."

"You're distracting yourself from your brother with me, aren't you?" he asked.

Elizabeth nodded. "I don't want you to take any offence."

"I won't," he gave her a reassuring smile before nodding her to continue.

"I would always be there for him after the transformations. I sat outside the room Mother and Father demanded he go inside for the night. I'd sit there all night long, hearing him howl, claw and whimper. Then, when it was dawn and Jon was human again, I would give him any potion he needed and sit by him as he rested - just like this. I've never not been there afterwards, so I don't know if he's healed or not."

"I'm sure he's fine, El. It wasn't a bad moon, so he should be alright." Remus placed a comforting hand on her knee.

"Get some sleep, Rey."

A few hours passed. Elizabeth sat on the stool beside Remus' sleeping form. She sat there, watching over him, washing the dirt from his forehead and brushing the curls from his eyes. Eventually, her stomach rumbled, making Elizabeth turn to the clock. It was now nine am. She asked Pomfrey that should Remus wake, she could let him know Elizabeth left to get them both some breakfast.

When she finally arrived in the Great Hall and sat herself at the Gryffindor table, she was bombarded with questions.

"Where have you been?" Marlene asked.

"Were you with Remus?" James wondered.

"I woke up this morning and you weren't there. We were so worried," Mary said.

"GUYS!" Elizabeth said, putting her hands up in surrender.

Everyone stopped talking to stare in silence at her. "I was just having a walk around the castle. Please calm down."

"Just leave a note next time or something," Lily suggested, giving a small smile.

"Did the mudblood just tell a pureblood what to do? Show some respect filth," Evan spat, taking a protective stance behind Elizabeth.

"Evan! Merlin, what do you think you're doing?" Elizabeth snapped.

"What? Filth like that," he waved a hand in the general direction of Lily, "should not be telling a pureblood what to do."

Elizabeth stood up angry, pointing an accusing finger at him. "How dare you talk to my friend like that. It isn't your place to point out the blood status of someone, or to use those horrible slurs, Evan."

"You're standing up for a mudblood? Gryffindor really is getting to your head, filthy blood traitor."

Elizabeth didn't hesitate to slap him across the cheek. "Go away, Evan. Don't talk to me until you sort your language out." She took her seat on the bench again.

"You heard her. Bugger off!" Peter snapped, glaring at Evan.

"I just wanted to pass on a message, from your father." Evan shoved a note to Elizabeth before storming off towards the Slytherin's table.

"Thank you. I know he's your friend, so you didn't have to do that for me," Lily smiled sadly.

"Of course I had to, Lily! I'm sorry for what he said to you. Evan's never said anything like that before, at least around me."

"Well, thank you, and I'm sorry for what he said to you as well." Lily gave a small shrug.

Elizabeth waved it off and opened the envelope.

"What does it say?" Sirius asked.

"Well, I haven't read the letter yet, have I, Sirius?" Elizabeth smirked.

Elizabeth. Your brother has been sent to St. Mungo's Wizarding Hospital. You will be notified if there is any change in his health. Continue to do well in your studies,


Elizabeth's hands began to shake violently, her throat felt as if it were growing in size. She struggled to hold back the tears, threatening to spill over.

"What's wrong?" Marlene asked, her voice dripping with worry.

"My brother's been sent to St. Mungo's Hospital, I have to go." She quickly stood from the bench, setting out on a sprint out of the great hall.

Elizabeth went back to the hospital wing, Remus was still sleeping. No one else was around, so she let the tears fall down her plump cheeks.


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