01 | Parchment, ink and Quills

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Parchment, Ink and Quills

Elladora and Divicci were proud of their daughter, another Selwyn going to Hogwarts. Both Elladora and Divicci had attended Hogwarts from 1936-43. They both hoped that all their children would attend the school as well, carrying on the family line in the Slytherin house.

It was nearing September. Elladora had asked Jake to take his sister to Diagon Alley; both Elladora and Divicci had a meeting with the Dark Lord, meaning that they could not take her themselves. Jake hadn't needed much persuading. His little sister was off to Hogwarts, of course he was going to help her get the supplies she needed. He needed to shop for his own school books as well.

Elizabeth and Jake Selwyn flooed to Diagon Alley as soon as their parents had disapparated from the manor. As soon as Elizabeth landed on the stone tiles, she straightened her back and dusted off the smudge of dirt on the length of her dress. Several seconds later, Jake came stumbling out of the fireplace.

"Let's look at the list, shall we, Bethy?" Jake suggested, reaching for his back pocket which held the list of supplies.

Jake unfolded the letter, handing it over to Elizabeth.

"Let's get your books first," Jake smiled.

The two Selwyns headed off down Diagon Alley. So far, Elizabeth had bought her quills, parchment and inks, and all of the required books. She didn't need a wand, as she already had one at the manor. She was currently being sized for her Hogwarts robes when the door to the shop opened and signalled the bell.

Orion Black walked in along with his son, Sirius Black.

Sirius and Elizabeth had been best friends for as long as they could remember. They both vocalized with one another how they disagreed with the family beliefs, which only helped the two connect more. Both being part of high status families, of course they were acquainted with one another. They just hoped their parents wouldn't put them in an arranged marriage together one day. The two were very close. They shared a lot with one another and kept no secrets. They only saw each other at family events, as Walburga and Orion never allowed Sirius out of the house.

"Hey, Bethy," Sirius grinned, walking towards Elizabeth and Jake while Orion went to stand by the register.

"Don't call me that, you know I hate that nickname, Sirius," Elizabeth scowled.

Jake snickered, eyes twinkling with amusement. "Come on now, Bethy. "

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at them both. "Be careful what you drink from now on, boys. You may find yourselves falling rather ill."

"Oh, oh, oh!" Sirius laughed, amused. "I forgot, you and your sister are trained death angels."

"You should see them being taught the skill. Her eyes twinkle and she gets this wicked smile. It's so creepy," Jake joined in.

Elizabeth elbowed him in the ribs. "Watch it, you little shits," she joked.

Orion walked over, followed by the owner of the shop, at that moment.

"Here you are, miss. You will find your robes folded neatly in this bag, they will fit perfectly," said the owner, handing the bag to Elizabeth.

"Thank you, how much will I be paying you?" Elizabeth asked, pulling out her coin purse.

"Three galleons, please."

She handed over the galleons and waited in the other room for Sirius to finish being sized. When he walked out with his father, she approached him with her back straight, and chin held high, as Orion was now present.

"Did all go well?" she asked.

"Yes, Father and I still have to buy my quills, after that we should be finished," Sirius said.

"I take it you have been accepted to Hogwarts?" She asked hopefully.

Sirius nodded. "Yes, it looks like we will be going to the same school."

"Indeed. Apologies, me and Jake must be on our way now. Mother and Father will be at the manor waiting for our arrival, so I suppose I will see you in September, Sirius." Elizabeth couldn't hold back the small smile as she spoke.

"Alright, see you," Sirius said, waving her off.

Elizabeth walked back over to Jake. "Are you ready to go home now, sis?"

"Yes, let's go."

They flooed back to Selwyn Manor. Their parents had not yet arrived from the meeting with the Dark Lord. Elizabeth walked up the staircase, after thanking Jake for taking her to Diagon Alley. Elizabeth went to her sister's bedroom, where she knew Cassilda and Jonathan - her youngest brother - would be playing a game of Gobstones with each other.

Elizabeth was close with all three of her siblings. However, each relationship was vastly different from the others.

Jake and Elizabeth's relationship was the usual brotherly and sisterly type. He would help her up when she was hurt, take care of her when she was ill, and when he was in trouble, Elizabeth would step in front of him to take the punishment herself. Her father held no disagreement with this, through the years he'd stopped punishing Jake entirely, and would now go straight to Elizabeth when he, or any of the siblings, had made an error.

Jonathan and Elizabeth were probably the closest out of the siblings. When Jonathan was eight, he'd been bitten by a man named Fenrir Greyback. Elizabeth had been the one to find him bleeding out in the parlor. She had ran upstairs, brewed a potion to relieve the pain and nursed him back to health for the following week. For the last two years, Elizabeth would take care of Jonathan after every full moon. She would do everything she could, to make sure no more harm came his way. Jonathan loved his older sister very much for this, as werewolves were usually frowned upon. Elizabeth didn't treat him any different than before, especially after discovering Jonathan had been bitten as a severe punishment.

Cassilda and Elizabeth's relationship was a tricky one. Cassilda was the classic pureblood, she believed that muggleborns and half-bloods were beneath her. Cassilda dreamed of working for the Dark Lord when she came of age, Elizabeth did not. The two would often argue about this, Elizabeth would end up on the floor screaming from the cruciatus her father was casting upon her afterwards. Cassilda was in no means horrible to her. She had a kind heart to those she cared for and deemed worthy of it. When the two weren't arguing, they were the usual sisters, helping each other in training, perfecting their skills together and helping one another grow.

So when Elizabeth realized she was going to Kings Cross station the following week, she also realized that she was leaving Cassilda and Jonathan behind, as they were only ten, and would be getting their letter the following year. She knew she would be back in a few months for Christmas, like Jake did every year, but that would be the longest Elizabeth had ever been away from the two.

She worried about what would become of Jonathan after the transformations when she was not there, and asked Cassilda if she would look after Jonathan and treat his wounds as she usually would, as the two sisters were both skilled in potions Cassilda would be able to help him just the same. Cassilda had agreed without hesitation.

Elizabeth was worried for Cassilda, retreating further and further into the mould of what their parents wished her to be. Elizabeth was worried of the path her little sister would take if she left her alone with Divicci for too long.

So, Elizabeth spent the next week joined at the hip with Cassilda and Jonathan, playing Gobstones and teaching them poisons and how to perfect their wand work.

When September 1st rolled around, Elizabeth was dreading leaving the two here at the manor alone.


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