98 | Surprising Regulus Black

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Surprising Regulus Black

Saturday 25th June, 1974

Regulus could not have chosen a better way to wake up in the early hours of his thirteenth birthday. His best friend under his arm, face nestled against the silk fabric on his pale chest. The small smile on her lips as she slept soundlessly and the almost silent hum he would receive when pulling her just that little bit closer to him.

He wished the world would just go away, so that he could keep this moment and have it all for himself for the rest of eternity. The universe seemed to have other plans in mind as Elizabeth blinked slowly and drew herself further onto Regulus.

"Good morning," he said quietly so as not to wake up Barty, Lestrange and Nott.

Elizabeth groaned, stretching. Scrunching up a fist and bending it to rub at her eye slowly as she yawned. "Morning. How long have you been awake?"

He shrugged. "Only a few minutes."

Elizabeth smiled. "Happy birthday Reg."

Regulus matched her smile. All of a sudden the exhaustion left her face and Elizabeth sat bolt upright, a mischievous smile on her face.

"Your gift."

"My... gift?" Regulus hadn't expected her to go out of her way to get him a gift. For as long as he could remember, it had always been only Sirius to remember his birthday and celebrate it - his parents had never bothered. He felt a small smile creep up his lips and a small blush attack his cheeks.

"You didn't expect me to not get you anything, did you?" When he didn't reply she continued. "You wouldn't let me throw you an amazing party, so I'm spending the day with you and doing whatever you like. I've asked Hilda - my house elf - to apparate us wherever you'd like to go. All you have to do is ask and you shall receive."

"Wait. We're leaving the castle?" He asked in absolute shock.

Elizabeth nodded, her beautiful smile never faltering. "Me, you, Barty and anyone else you'd like to come. I was going to ask Sirius, but I wasn't sure if you wanted him there with Barty all day."

"Yeah, I'm not sure how pleasant that would be," Regulus chuckled.

"My point exactly, but he did ask me to bring you to the common room and I said you wouldn't be caught dead in there, so instead, the Ravenclaw courtyard later, he and the others can give you your presents."

"He and the others?" Who else would give any thought to his birthday? He thought, wracking his brain for ideas.

"Well," Elizabeth grinned bringing her hands between them as she shuffled to a sitting position. "Lily was adamant on getting you a gift, James, obviously. Remus wanted to as well and Marlene."

"They all want to get me a birthday gift?"

"Well they've already bought it. They want to give it to you tonight."

Regulus rolled his eyes playfully. "I've only met them a few times though."

"They adore you regardless. Now, enough of that, let me give you your gift!"

He watched as she threw the silk covers off of her slim body and trotted over to her bag and clothes beside his nightstand. She pulled out a small black bag and plopped herself on the edge of his bed, practically shoving the bag into his hands.

Regulus laughed, sitting up himself now and holding the bag in his hands.

"Open it." She nudged his leg and he obeyed.

Regulus reached inside and felt his fingers brush against two things. One was a small black box with a ribbon wound around it. He glanced up at her, unsure of himself, but when he saw the bright smile and the sparkle in her eyes, he unwound the ribbon and pulled the top of the box off.

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