27 | Try-Outs

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Today was quidditch try outs. All bloody week James had been going on and on about it every hour of every single day. Quidditch was his life and being in his second year allowed him to try out for the team. Elizabeth knew he was good at flying. Every lesson they had first year he and Sirius had been top of the class. She knew that Derek would be crazy to not allow them on the team.

Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, Mary, James, Marlene, Dorcas, Jake, and Andromeda were all walking down to the pitch for the Gryffindor try-outs.

On each team of quidditch, their were four posts: Keeper, Seeker, Chaser and Beater. There are three chasers, one keeper, two beaters, and a seeker. There were thirteen people trying out for the Gryffindor team this year. Only seven would be chosen by the end of try-outs.

"Ok right everyone listen up. I'm going to make one thing very clear: Just because you were on the team last year, doesn't guarantee you a spot this year. Got it?" Derek shouted.

"Got it," the group chorused.

"I'm going to choose some of you to try a position and then we'll switch around. So James, Lily, Alex, Ali, you'll be trying for chaser. Sirius, Lewis, Tom, Marlene, you'll be beaters. Katie and Andrew, keepers, and finally, Jason and Benjamin, seekers. And then we'll switch. GO!"

Then for the next two hours, they were all zapping about doing their role. When the time was up, Derek came down and announced the team.

"You were all brilliant, so don't take this personally. My beaters will be... Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon. The keeper will be Alex McCaw. Chasers will be James Potter, myself, of course and Lily Evans. Finally the seeker will be... Katie Tompson."

Slytherin team is:

Keeper- Maxwell Abbott

Seeker- Jake Selwyn

Beaters- Mulciber Avery and Alabster Jackson.

Chasers- Lillian Bullstrode, Evelyn Greengrass and Radolphus Lestrange.

Hufflepuff team is:

Seeker- Alexander Rivera

Keeper- Ambrose Kon.

Beaters- Ava Harper and Charlotte Copper.

Chasers- Sebastian Green, Sophia Knight and Jackson Moore.

Ravenclaw team is:

Chasers- Lucas Webb, Noah Brown and Adan Davis.

Keeper- Jimmy Kirk.

Seeker- Angelina Prickett.

Beaters- Annalee Meadows and Bradley Smith.

Elizabeth had congratulated her friends from all the teams, and, as Alex promised, it wasn't awkward between the two. However, when she went back to her common room at 10:30 pm it was to see a party in full swing and a thick layer of smoke covering the carpets and air as students smoked and drank into oblivion.

She saw Remus chugging a bottle of Wizards brew and decided to go and pour herself some fire whiskey. She had about four cups before she was drunk and had made her way to where James and Sirius were now being paraded around the room on the backs of Derek and Billius, and were spilling their drinks over people's heads.

"Hey," Elizabeth shouted over the music.

"Hey! When did you get back?" Peter slurred back.

"Not long ago. C'mon, let's dance. I'm bored."

So Elizabeth and Peter danced and with a lot of persuading, Remus joined in too. Then you could tell that the alcohol kicked in, as he began to swing and twirl Elizabeth around and bellow the music with her. She then danced with Derek for most of the night, and that was all she remembered from the evening.

When Elizabeth woke up she was spread across a bed with Peter and James on top of her legs and arms tangled together. She immediately smelt the alcohol and when she tried to move her head began to throb.

James then kicked out his leg and it hit her in the jaw.

"Get off you stinky bastard," she said pushing his feet away.


"James, Peter get the fuck off me," she said, struggling from beneath the pair.

Eventually they all got up and dressed and woke up Sirius and Remus, who were in a similar situation on Remus's bed.

When they headed down to breakfast the hall was just a sound of murmurs. There were classes that day and everyone was wearing their black robes and messy hair. It seems all the houses had celebrated the try-outs, as everyone in the school seemed to be hungover or tired in some way or other.

"I'll see you lot in class. I'm going to sit with Reg." Elizabeth ignored the way the name made Sirius tense up and walked away to the Slytherin table.

Regulus was sat with a boy, Elizabeth couldn't remember his name, and Amos Nott.

She took a seat beside Regulus, facing Amos and the boy as well as the Gryffindor table. She saw how Sirius was watching them carefully and poked her tongue out at him.

"Good morning," she said for the others.

"Morning," Regulus and Amos said.

"Why are you here?" The boy opposite Elizabeth snapped.

"Shut up, Barty, she's the girl we was telling you about," Amos said.

The boy, Barty, narrowed his eyes.

Elizabeth smiled politely. "Elizabeth Selwyn."

The boys eyes widened. "Shit. I'm sorry mate, I didn't realize."

"It's alright. I understand a Gryffindor with Slytherins the world would surely end."

The boy chuckled. "Barty Crouch... Jr."

Elizabeth raised her eyebrows at him. "The minister's son?"

Barty nodded "I presume he's right and got with his son being Slytherin."

"You've no idea."

"How was your night?" Regulus asked, taking a bite from his toast.

Elizabeth sighed and rested her head on his left shoulder. "Bloody exhausting. Every party, I swear I get more and more fucked each time."

"We had a party in the Slytherin common room last night. Did you hear your brothers on the team?"

She nodded against his shoulder. "Hmm, yes, I spoke with him yesterday before the party. Lillian and Eve are on the team as well."

"There brilliant, we're sure to win against.. well, you," Amos said.

Elizabeth sat up. "Oh really? We have Marlene, James, Sirius, and Derek on our team. You're toast. We're so going to beat you the first match."

"Bring it on," Regulus said.

"We will," Elizabeth said back.

The four continued to eat their breakfast and Elizabeth noticed how close Regulus and Barty seemed. Yes, they'd only known each other for a few weeks, but they seemed to be getting along really well.

She really enjoyed being able to see Regulus at school everyday now. She didn't have to write and wait days for his response. Plus Amos was here as well, and he and James had been getting along great. They hadn't spoken much in school, but that's understandable considering the rivalry between the two houses.

Her parents were furious about Jon's sorting, but weren't as angry as when Elizabeth was sorted Gryffindor. Jake was on the team and Elizabeth didn't know or care what Cassilda was up to. She knew she was close with Lilith again, and Rabastan, but her little sister had changed. From when she left for Hogwarts and returned during summer, her sister had changed so much as to torture Elizabeth. The Selwyn siblings had never once even hexed each other. Cass had done it so easily and it upset Elizabeth too much to think about. Cassilda was the perfect mode of her parents. The better daughter.


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