118 | Fire and Blood

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Fire and Blood

TW: Violence, abuse, blood, gore, torture and death.

Monday 25th December, 1974

Someone I love, someone I love, someone I love.

The door opens, Elizabeth steps down onto the second floor of Selwyn Manor, fear shaking in her bones.

Someone I love, someone I love, someone I love.

Who is it? She thought as Divicci continued to drag her to her inevitable test. Cassilda was right, she couldn't get out, she couldn't run or flee the family without at least one member seeing her and if luck was on her side and no one saw her running down three flights of stairs and jumping in a fireplace, Cassilda would still know.

Someone I love, someone I love, someone I love.

She was now facing the Dark Lord. She couldn't see anyone else in the room, but she wasn't in the room yet, only in the doorway as Divicci released her and bowed to Voldemort.

"I'm sorry she kept you waiting so long my Lord," Divicci said, still bowing down. Elizabeth could see his eyes were discreetly on her, glaring.

"Do not worry, Divicci," Voldemort smiled, his pearl white teeth in view as he held out a hand for Elizabeth to take. She felt sick.

She accepted the outstretched hand and followed obediently as she was led into the dining hall. The Dark Lord using wandless and silent magic to slam the door shut behind their entrance.

Elizabeth had done terrible things, actions that when she was young, she would look at and run right there and then if only she'd known. Her worst fear was killing someone she loved, she feared the word, she feared killing - hated it, despised it - but she was now trapped, and she hoped if she left this hall today, she wouldn't leave knowing she'd committed her worst fear.

"Elizabeth," Lord Voldemort smiled wickedly as she glazed the room with her eyes, looking desperately for any sign of other life.

She turned back to him, walls built around her mind rapidly as she made accidental eye contact. "My Lord," she bowed down, hand still in his grip.

"Your test will begin now, Elizabeth. I am beginning to realise who my true allies in this fight against mudbloods are, the Selwyn's are proving themselves loyal. I want to give you one final test, I have given you many without realising but this will be the final one and, if you should succeed tonight, I will arrange a date for you to receive your Dark Mark."

The Dark Mark?!?

"I know you are young and not yet sixteen, but you have done much. Your brother was gifted the Mark at a young age and he is helping us win this war, fighting and killing whenever is necessary for our cause. I have seen you do the same. I think it's time."

Voldemort released her hand gently before crossing the room slowly, allowing Elizabeth a minute to panic. If she completed whatever this final test was then she would be getting her Dark Mark, she was being compared to Jake and his murder sprees. Once she was marked, she would be trapped, forever, like Jake...

The Dark Lord waved his hand and revealed three women and a man sitting on four chairs silently, staring at Elizabeth and not Voldemort. Someone I love... It was her blood, her family.

"Adeline?" She said, walking towards the four of them. "Marcel, Valérie... Céline. What-"

"This is your test, Elizabeth," the Dark Lord interrupted. "Extract information from each of them, names, locations of witches and wizards fighting against our cause. The past week you have been training with Elladora, she has had you making potions that will assist you today, she was made aware two weeks prior. If you look to your left, they are all placed on that shelf. You have everything you should need to aid you for this final test, your wand, your mind and your poisons. Remember, I will be expecting more than one name or family name. I know they are your family, but they are not fighting for what we want. This test is about your loyalty, will you kill your blood for the cause?"

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