15 | Drifting Away

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Drifting Away

Wednesday morning, Mary was shaking Elizabeth roughly.

"Wake up! You're gonna miss breakfast," she said to Elizabeth' ear.

Elizabeth groaned. "Go on ahead, I'm exhausted."

"No. Get up."

Elizabeth put her hair in a low ponytail and made her way down to the Great hall with the other three girls. Once they arrived as expected all of the Slytherin table was in much the same state Elizabeth was in.

"How was the party?" Sirius asked as they took their seats.

"Brilliant, the whole house was down all night and it ended at around five this morning," she still sounded slightly drunk, having only had around four hours sleep.

"You sound rough," Peter said.

"Thank you. Pass me the juice?"

Elizabeth ate a good amount of eggs and toast and a lot of water and pumpkin juice. Her lessons for the day were the same as Monday; Potions, DADA, Flying, Herbology and Astronomy, with a free fifth period. She didn't go to lunch and went up to the dorms that day for a nap, making her a good ten minutes late to Herbology.

At dinner Elizabeth was sat with the seven Gryffindor first years as well as Frank, Alice, Billius and Derek. They were all talking about the Slytherin party, so many rumours had been spread that day about what had gone on in the common room of green. So Elizabeth shared with them the night's events.

"...and then Lillian downed half the bottle of witches brew and Lucinda was-"

Elizabeth was cut off by Andromeda. "Elizabeth I need to talk to you. Like, right now."

Elizabeth stopped talking as well as the others and turned to look at her. She looked like it was urgent, so Elizabeth told the rest she would be back shortly and would only be at the doors of the hall.

Once Andromeda had led Elizabeth to the Great Hall doors she blurted out,

"I'm breaking up with Jake," Andromeda blurted out.

Elizabeth just stared at her, with eyebrows raised and a confused expression.

"You bloody what?!" She shouted. A few people around turned to look at the two and so did the Gryffindors.

"Shut up," Andromeda snapped.

"I thought you were fine?" Elizabeth said in a quieter tone.

Andromeda nodded. "We are- well we were but I've met this boy and he makes me feel so much more than Jake ever could. I think we were just better off as friends."

"You met a boy? And have you told him any of this?"

Andromeda shook her head. "No, I thought I'd come to you. I don't know what to say and I need your help with the other boy as well." After a pause she added, "You're not angry at me, are you?

Elizabeth looked as if she had said the dumbest thing ever. "Heavens, why would I be angry? It's not me you're breaking it off with. I'm glad you came to me, just be gentle and don't tell him about the other boy. Jake will be upset, obviously, he's missing out. But he'll want to stay friends, I'm sure."

Andromeda looked so relieved at this and she hugged Elizabeth tight.

"So who's this other boy?" Elizabeth asked, muffled by Andromeda's chest.

They pulled apart. "He's not a pureblood. Or in Slytherin. Obviously. He's actually in your house," she said, rubbing her arm sheepishly.

Elizabeth raised her eyebrows to her hairline. Of course out of everyone she knew, Andromeda would fall in love with a Gryffindor half-blood or muggleborn.

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