08 | Holiday Express

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Holiday Express

Elizabeth decided to skip her classes that day. If she was to fall behind in lessons, she thought it would be better to do so in the beginning of the term. She couldn't see Jonathan and she couldn't write to him either. So for the next couple of weeks, she was a ball of nervous energy.

She spent lunch with the Slytherins and some of her breakfasts with them too. Evan had picked up a habit of using more and more slurs as the days passed; he'd become quite nasty to be around. Severus Snape had taken on a strong disliking for James and Sirius too. She didn't know why and at that moment, she didn't care too much either. Elizabeth received the odd few letters from her family, informing her that Jonathan was still in St. Mungo's and that he would be released shortly.

Andromeda, Jake, Lucius, Narcissa, Lucinda, and Elizabeth, had suddenly been spending most of their time together the last several weeks.

Jake always seemed to be touching Andromeda in some way, kissing her, holding her hands, or whispering flirtatious comments in her ear. When he wasn't doing this, he was telling her sweet nothing from across the table.

Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy, fourth and sixth-year students, had been told to spend some time with the other, to make the following year more bearable on the two when they were to marry. Possibly. Elizabeth thought they were a very good match for one another. Both were from noble Pureblood families. They'd been good friends for several months now, so it wouldn't be an unhappy marriage.

Elizabeth and Lucinda were repairing their lost bond. She'd told Lucinda about the Gryffindors, classes, about her parents and Jonathan. Lucinda told Elizabeth about life in the Slytherin house, her classes, and how she was missing her mother, who had died the previous year.

Elizabeth spent her dinners with the Gryffindors, but not lunch and breakfast. She was still transitioning from her old life and close connections with her fellow purebloods, and besides potions and transfiguration, it was her only time to associate with the Slytherins. Students in the older years, fifth or above, were talking about how she'd been betraying her own house, but she couldn't be bothered to really dwell on this. She missed her friends and she still spent double the amount of time with them than the Gryffindors, anyway.

She had been putting off on starting her task for the Dark Lord until she had word from Elladora to do so.

At nights, she would always go to the Astronomy tower. It was quiet and at night, you could see every star from the top of the tower. She would lay there for hours just to think. She sometimes brought Lucinda there, but not very often and she mostly went alone. She didn't think many people knew about how the stars reflected off the glass pane roof spreading around the room, lighting it up with the moonlight.

She liked to have her own personal place to go to, that she could say was hers, and that she had found it.

Soon it was Christmas. Elizabeth was to be boarding the Hogwarts Express today back to Selwyn manor. She wanted to see Jonathan and Cassilda, not her parents. She wasn't enjoying the idea of spending three weeks back at the manor.

Sirius was in a mood too, leading up to the end of term. He hated Walburga and Orion Black. If it wasn't for Regulus, he would have stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays for the Christmas holidays with Mary, Marlene, and Peter.

She sat in a compartment with Jake, Andromeda, and Lucinda. Elizabeth was just about to excuse herself to say goodbye to the Gryffindors when the compartment door slid open.

"Hey, El. Do you want to come sit with us?" Sirius asked.

"Actually, did you all want to join us?" Everyone was sharing uncomfortable glances.

"C'mon, Sirius, don't be shy," Andromeda said nudging his arm.

"Alright then, come on you lot, we're sitting here this time around," Sirius ushered the others inside.

"Look, I know there are some stupid rules about Gryffindor and Slytherin hating each other, but I'd like it if you all got along," Elizabeth said.

"I think it's stupid how the houses have to hate each other," Lily sighed.

"Isn't it just? I mean, who even started it? It's rather arrogant to say that none of us can associate if we wish to," Lucinda moved closer to let Lily sit next to her.

Everyone seemed to get along pretty well. Andromeda caught up with Sirius. Lucinda, Lily, and Elizabeth were talking amongst themselves, and Jake, James, Sirius, and Remus talked amongst themselves too.

The train pulled into Kings Cross station, Sirius looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him whole right then and there.

"You can always come to mine like I said if you need to, alright?" James said, facing Sirius as he nodded back in reply.

Elizabeth said goodbye to them all promising to write as much as she could. She walked off down the platform with Jake to where Elladora was standing. She apparated Jake and then came several seconds later to apparate Elizabeth to Selwyn Manor. As soon as their feet touched the ground, Elladora opened the oak double doors, walking straight inside, not even bothering to help Elizabeth inside or see how school had been.

She walked straight to Jonathan's bedroom, where she hoped her sister and brother would both be.


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