26 | Butchered

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When the feast had finished, Elizabeth quickly got up and hobbled over to where she could see Regulus.

He saw her approaching and left his friends to speak with her. As soon as they got close, she jumped up and hugged him tight.

"Woah, hello, El!" Regulus said.

Elizabeth smiled into the crook of his neck. "Hey," she whispered.

They still hadn't stopped hugging.

"You're at Hogwarts," she said.

"Yeah. Sirius didn't look to pleased with my sorting," he said.

"Don't worry about Sirius, Reg. He's being a prat and he better getter over it soon."

"Hmm I doubt very much my brother will. He's insistent on the idea that I'm a death eater. No matter how many times I show him my left forearm he doesn't believe me."

Elizabeth pulled away from Regulus and looked at him in the eye.

"Do you want to be one?"

"My parents are one of the Dark Lord's most loyal supporters," Regulus said in a hushed tone.

"That's not what I asked," she said and gave a sad smile. She knew the only reason he would want to become a follower of the Dark Lord was like her. For their parents.

"I best be off, I have to go find Alex, but I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast, yeah?"

"Yeah, alright. Goodnight, El."

"Goodnight, Reg."

Elizabeth walked back over to where her fellow second-year Gryffindors were waiting and walked out the doors. When they had walked a few corridors, Elizabeth's leg started to ache. Not ache, more like throb. It felt as if no blood was circulating to it, and the pain she felt when she took even the smallest of steps on it was immense.

"El, can I speak to you a moment?" Remus asked as she was walking behind the rest of the group. She nodded and the two went round a corner.

"What's up?" Elizabeth asked once she and Remus were away from the rest.

"You're limping," Remus said gently.

"No, I'm not."

"You are. You're hurt. I can fix it," Remus said as he got out his wand.

Elizabeth took a deep breath. "Look, Rey, a lot happened over the summer, and my father used this curse on me. He's been using it all my life. No healing spell can cure it, as it's dark magic. It has to heal the muggle way and I guess when I walk it doesn't heal. There's nothing you can do about it, so please just ignore it."

Remus looked so upset and worried and then he hugged her so tight the airway to her lungs cut off.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, El. You shouldn't be going through this all from your parents. I'm so sorry," Remus sighed into her.

"It's ok."

"It's not," he said pulling away and holding her by the shoulders. "Can you at least let me try to heal it?"

"Rey," she said in a warning tone.

"I can't just let you confess that to me and not even try to help."

Elizabeth could never say no to Remus, so she hesitantly bent over and lifted the bottom of her pant leg and showed Remus the wound.

Her calf had multiple scars on it. Some small and most deep and jagged. She had two big cuts running down the length of the calf that were dripping with blood. The skin around the wound had raised and became red and inflamed. Remus swallowed back the anger he was suddenly feeling at his friend's butchered leg and set to work.

Cursed Child Years 1-4 | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now