47 | Ilvermorny And Beauxbatons

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Ilvermorny and Beauxbatons

French dialogue may not be accurate as i used a translate for the language

Everyone was sat at breakfast - minus Remus who was still in the hospital wing. Lily had asked where he was again and James had quickly said that he was lying in for today and staying in the dorm as he would be released from the wing tonight just before dinner.

"I can't wait to see the new french girls" Sirius said shoveling a spoon of porridge into his mouth.

"Careful El's cousin is French don't want to be carrying on the family line of incest do we mate?" Remus said from behind him.

"Rey!" Lily said jumping up out of her seat
"Where have you been?!" shes asked squeezing the air out of his lungs.

"I wasn't feeling well so i went to Pomfrey for a potion" he said as the two sat back down. Lily had moved down the table recently and her new spot was next to Marlene opposite Alice now.

"Back to the topic at hand" Sirius said pointedly "me and El aren't related"

"You never know" Mary said smugly

Elizabeth grimaced "My family aren't as cozy as the Black's thankyou very much. We marry to different families not our own so we don't have any cousin on cousin weddings. Our family is nine times out of ten Pureblood and very very rarely gets with anyone less than that"

"Take points Sirius" Billius said jokingly.

"So El i didn't know you had a cousin in France" Peter said changing the subject from family incest at breakfast

She nodded "She's my mother's niece although she is a lot older than me she's in her last year at Beauxbatons so i doubt she is transferring here this late to the school"

"Do you know anyone else that could be transferring?" Lily asked

She nodded "As i'm part of the Selwyn House my parents wanted the best for me and they were thinking of sending me and Cass to Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts. I went and stayed in France with my cousin for a few weeks and i met some of the girls that attend the school. Annette and Julia. There in Andromeda's year though"

"There better be some cute man candy that's all i'm saying" Mary said making everyone laugh.

It was a Thursday so they had DADA,Herbology and Transfiguration before lunch. The whole day all anyone spoke about was the new students. How many were transferring? What houses would they be joining? How many would be coming? All anyone spoke about during classes, constantly asking the Professors if they knew anything and all through breakfast and lunch.

During there two free periods after lunch they sat at there designated tree by the Black Lake. It was a fairly warm day today however it was still slightly chilly so no one went for a swim.

Frank, Alice, Mary, Peter, Marlene, Remus, Dorcas, James, Sirius, Elizabeth, Lily, Derek and Billius all spent the next two hours by the Lake eating, laughing and discussing quidditch as usual. Having half your friend group on the team it's hard to not talk about quidditch. Elizabeth was finding that she didn't mind it anymore, she used to think it annoying how all James would talk about was the sport but now she realizes it's something he is passionate about and it helps him in a way it wouldn't for others.

When it came time for potions they began to walk back down to the castle. Derek, Billius, Frank, Dorcas and Alice all had different classes to the others so they said goodbye and headed to there shared class with the Slytherin's.

Elizabeth was trying her best to get along with Maxwell. After all they were to be partners in the class until summer so it would be a good idea to be civil however he made it so difficult. The constant flirting and bullying of her friends and the smug remarks he made across the class to Mulciber, Alabster and Evan made it extremely difficult to like him.

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