66 | Vipers and their Plan

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The vipers and there Plan

Derek, Billius and Elizabeth ended up going to dinner on time with half an hour left till eight. Billius had been over the moon when they sat down and the food was still there.

"Took your time" Julia said as Derek took a seat beside her.

"Sorry my fault" Elizabeth said "Needed help with Transfiguration essay"

"He's not in your year?"

"Yeah, i thought since he's already done it he could help. Took him a while to remember though but he gave me some pointers and here we are"

She's a bloody good liar, Derek thought proudly

"What are those lot whispering about?" she asked when she noticed the marauders whispering quietly

Lily rolled her eyes "They've done a prank"


"Hasn't happened yet though. Said to wait for dinner and it's been an hour and nothing" Marlene said with a huff

"Oi" Elizabeth said tapping James on the shoulder "What the fuck do you think your doing?"

"A prank darling" Sirius said with a wink

"Are you serious"

"I'm always serious"

"Shut up" she snapped "Andromeda literally told us this morning that the Slytherin's are planning something and now your already start-"

"First of all" Sirius cut in "They're not going to do anything. The worst they'll do is a little hex or a poorly executed prank that's it. They sprout all this shit about being high and mighty but there-"

"You don't know that"

"Secondly" Sirius said more firmly this time "I don't really care. They want a war, i'll give em a war"

"Let's not go throwing the word war about in these times" Peter said

"Shut up Peter"

"Sirius you can't do this"

"The others agreed to it aswell"

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow and surveyed the other three "Here i thought you were the smarter ones of the bunch"

"I'm just keeping an eye on-"

"Look!" Sirius whispered pointing to the Slytherin table discreetly.

Dread washed over Elizabeth when she saw what was happening. If it were any other time she would've found this hilarious. Lucias, Evan, Bellatrix, Maxwell, Mulciber, Severus, Radolphus, Rabastan, Amos, Lilith, Cassilda, Barty, Regulus. The entire slytherin table were aging. Except Andromeda, Lillian, Evelyn, Annette and Riley.

"You absolute idiots" she muttered

The entire hall was laughing again, a lot louder than last time with the salt. Even a few of the professors were stifling a laugh as white beards sprouted out of there faces and some faces dropped and wrinkled.

"Look at the crazy bitch Bella" Sirius laughed

Elizabeth frowned even more when she saw Bellatrix hair had gone silvery white, her eyes had dark bags beneath them and her face had wrinkled and ages at least a good fifty years.

The slytherin's had gotten over the initial shock of it all and were now panting and glaring over to the Gryffindor table. Despite the entire hall laughing and pointing and rolling around on the floor at them, they were livid with the marauders.

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