95 | Love chocolates & healing Potions

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Love chocolates & healing Potions

Sunday 6th May, 1974

Remus didn't know why he had been feeling so ill recently. It was supposed to be a regular moon cycle that night. The usual bones stretching, skin raw, nausea and dizziness. This full moon felt like it was ripping everything out of him. He was sweating, too much for early May. His head was killing him - that wasn't the hangover from Dorcas' birthday either - and the pain felt as if he was on the brink of a transformation. He thanked Merlin himself; there were no classes that day because Remus genuinely didn't know if he would have been able to get out of bed, let alone down seven flights of stairs and back up again.

He could hear James and Sirius moving around the dorm. They'd stayed up for as long as they could. Making sure Remus was ok, trying to make him laugh or ease the pain. Peter offered to go to the hospital wing and get a sleeping draught or pain relief potion for Remus. He refused it all, insisting that he was fine.

Sirius had laid on the bed beside him all night long. Holding Remus' head to his chest, shushing him as he whimpered in agony and James and Peter sat helplessly watching. Eventually, after hours and hours of this, Remus fell asleep. It wasn't for long, before Sirius shook him awake because he had been scratching at his own skin and grinding his teeth excessively. Peter was passed out on the floor with James struggling to lug him onto his bed.

Now, halfway through lunch, he could hear them rousing Peter awake and getting dressed.

"I don't know what to do Prongs," Sirius whispered hurriedly.

"I thought it was a normal moon tonight?" James asked. Remus could hear him pulling a t-shirt over his head.

"It is... I don't know why he's in so much pain. Has it always been this bad... and we've just never noticed?"

"I don't know Pads. I don't think so, maybe we mixed up the charts? Maybe next month is a good moon and-"

"I'm a Black, James. I don't mess up with this stuff. This moon and next month's moon aren't good... but they're not bad. Normal pain for him. It's the July moon that we've got to be careful of. That's the bad, evil, blood thirsty moon."

"Then what the fuck is wrong with him?" James hissed under his breath.

"Maybe he's ill?" Peter suggested, coming up beside James and Sirius.

"Of course he's ill. Look at him!" Sirius flailed his hands over in the direction where Remus was huddled in heaps of blankets, breaking out in a cold sweat behind the closed curtains of his bed.

"I'm right here," Remus mumbled tiredly. "Stop talking about me as if I'm not. I'm fourteen, not five on my first moon anymore."

"Woah, woah, whoah!" James practically screeched, running over the clothes strung across the floor and to Remus who was struggling to sit up.

"What in Godric's name are you doing, Potter." Remus frowned, pushing him roughly away.

"I think you mean, what in Godric's name are you doing?!" James retorted, pushing Remus back down by the shoulders and tucking him back up.

"Piss off," Remus sighed. "I don't want to sit in bed all day."

"Moony," Sirius said gently, perching himself on the edge of the bed. "You need rest. Please. Let James fuss over you. Me and Pete will get you breakfast, find out what's going on, yeah?"

"I can get my food myself Black, and I know what's going on. It's a bad-"

"It's not a bad moon," Peter intervened. "We've checked, it's not."

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