111 | Haunted by the Past

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Haunted by the Past

Sunday 17nth September, 1974

"I'm sorry. I'm tired of fighting Ella, it feels- it feels like we're not... not kids anymore. I just need time. That's all we need... a break from the war, the fear and the pain."

"And I'd give my life to give that to you Reg, I really, truly would. But I can't, I'll be by your side until the end and I'll never, ever leave you. But what I can't do is change our fate, what happens in our futures..."

"One way or another... we'll go down together though, right?"

"Together," Elizabeth nodded, a sad smile on her face as she gripped his hand in hers and even the fact that they were talking of their deaths at their ripe ages of thirteen and fourteen broke her heart.

They were only in their third and fourth year, they were too young for any of this, all of it.

However, just then, the doorknob twisted, opening the door along with the entrance of Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix, Walburga, Orion, Elladora, Divicci and this small blonde girl who looked and felt very familiar to Elizabeth. However she was wearing a mask and the black robe that the Death Eaters all wore when they were brutally murdering innocents, along with her her long hair falling four to five inches above her waist through the hood and around her mask.

The seven of them descended further into the room, pausing to look down upon the two with; pity, hatred and amusement and then positioning themselves into a line in front of the door and a good distance away from Elizabeth, who was currently kneeling over Regulus's limp and whimpering body.

"Have you made your decision Elizabeth?" The Dark Lord smirked, side eyeing Walburga and Orion who were looking at their own son as if they hoped she had chosen to kill him, just to get rid of him without having to put in the work themselves.

She looked between the seven lined up before her, eyes wide and full of panic and confusion. "I- no, no. Not yet my Lord."

"Well then, it looks to me as if you have wasted an opportunity to me. Now, you will take my wand and you will kill one out of the three listed to you, in order to prove yourself and your loyalty. We will be watching, accessing you to see if there is any hesitation, any guilt in your eyes. We have a special Death Eater in the room today. She knows you, your strengths and your weaknesses. She knows everything there is to know about you. One single mistake, even if I myself do not notice it, she will. Now, take my wand and kill your chosen witch or wizard, Elizabeth."

The Dark Lord took four steps over to her, then leaned down very close to her and held out his hand with his wand placed in his palm.

"This is me trusting you Elizabeth, if you let me down, you may end up living the life the blonde was meant to," he whispered menacingly in her face, his breath warm against her cheek as he analyzed her eyes, amusement dancing in his own as Elizabeth took the Dark Lord's wand and rose to her feet, eyes glued to the mysterious blonde girl with the mask that she felt a broken connection to, the mask hiding her identity.

"Don't tell me your choice," he said, stepping back into the line beside Elladora and the small blonde girl, "don't let it be known until you cast that curse, until we see the green sparks hitting the person's chest and them falling to the floor. Then, and only then, will we know."

"Yes, my Lord," she replied.

She wasn't going to kill Regulus, everyone in the room knew that. In Elizabeth's mind, he wasn't even one of the three listed to her, she needed to stop looking to her parents as if they were when it was between Walburga and Orion Black.

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