65 | The Marauders and their Map

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The Marauders and there Map

Elizabeth was in a familiar room. It was a grand ballroom, hundreds of guests were dancing and drinking around her. People of noble titles, forming alliances and betrothing there children. Elizabeth was sat at a table with Jake, Sirius, Lucinda, Jonathan and Cassilda. It was a large round table with a white sheet over it, the edges curved and laced for extra design. She remembered where she was and suddenly realized this was a memory. She was far younger than she was in reality. In this memory, Elizabeth and Lucinda were five years old. Sirius had just turned six. Cassilda and Jonathan were four and Jake was seven.

"I'm bored" Sirius whined and slouched back in his chair

"Oh stop fussing Sirius it's not thatt bad" Lucinda said, smiling widely as the people dancing in the centre of the room lifted the women up and spun them around.

Sirius rolled his eyes "Girls"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me" he said, turning to face her with a daring glint in his eye

Elizabeth chuckled "Stop it. Sirius it's not that bad and besides. There's only a few hours left and then you can go home"

"What makes you think i want to go home?"

"It's alright Sirius. Sometimes i get bored at these functions aswell. They go on for house don't they" Jake said

Sirius perked up at this "I know. Mother and father always drag me here because i'm the heir. I don't want to be the stupid heir. I want to go to the park and have fun like normal people my age do"

"Do you want to know what i was doing at your age?"


"I would be here aswell. Purebloods do these functions Sirius to prepare us. To help us.. mature. It's better at a young age so we can adapt throughout our lives"

"Boring" and he slumped back into his chair

"But, Bethy used to do this thing with me when i went back to the manor. She was too young to come to the parties but would sit up and wait for me. She would sneak me up to the attic, that's where all our house eleves live, and we'd dance and eat and sing with the elves. We'd tire ourselves out and end up falling asleep there often"

Sirius smiled and sat up straight again "That's nice. I just go home and Walburga locks me in my room"

"When i get back to the Nott Manor Amos is always begging me for a story. I read him one and stay with him the night. He used to think that i died and he would be terribly upset about it. Mother would come and pull the quilt about us and rock me to sleep when Amos was in my arms"

"I can't imagine my mother being that nice" Cassilda said quietly

"My grandparents weren't as harsh to my mother. She wasn't raised the way we are. She was nurtured and i guess passed it down to me"

"So you chose to be here?" Sirius asked dumbfounded

Lucinda nodded "I enjoy the dances. Of course no man has asked to dance with me yet because of my age but i'm sure when i'm older and a beautiful young lady there will be lines everywhere i go"

"You've never had a dance before?" Elizabeth asked

Lucinda shook her head "Father made me learn when i was four i think. But other than that not properly, not at a ball like this. I can't imagine how amazing it would be"

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