120 | Falling Headfirst

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Falling Headfirst

TW: Mentions of blood, torture, choking, hallucinations, underage drinking and smoking.

Monday 19nth February, 1975

"Liz?" Andromeda whispered, peeling the curtains open slowly. "The other two girls have left, I think, for an early morning smoke. It's breakfast, but I know you don't like getting there at seven. It's just past eight so if you want to eat this morning, which I do, I'd suggest you wake up and get dressed."

"Why don't you go to breakfast without me today?" Elizabeth mumbled into her pillow, the cold of the dungeon dorm already making her wake up quicker than she'd like.

"Because I know you won't come up to breakfast of your own accord."

It was so strange to Elizabeth that the Slytherin's had to walk up two flights of stairs to get to breakfast and Gryffindor's had to walk down six. She was still getting used to going up the Castle and not down.

"Elizabeth?" Andromeda repeated. "Are you listening to me?"

"No. But I am now."

"Good. You have potions today until eleven-"

"It's nearly the end of my fourth year, Andromeda. I know my class schedule," she winced as she sat herself up in the spare bed, the little light shining in through the ripples of water.

"Well go to your classes then," Andromeda smiled, she had such a kind heart and such a gentle voice. Elizabeth honestly didn't know how she was still so caring and a part of the Black family after so many years. In her opinion, Ted Tonks was holding her in one piece.

"I do. I just-"

"Dress yourself and talk to me. I'm hungry," Andromeda gracefully handed Elizabeth her Gryffindor robes, shirt and skirt before walking into the attached bathroom. "I expect you to be fully dressed once I'm out. Then you can go in and we can finally eat the leftover food."

"I doubt there'll be much left. I'm sure Lestrange will have made an entire feast for my brother," Elizabeth scowled. She was half tempted to just stay in bed, not go to breakfast and not have to deal with Jake on his birthday. He was exhausting when the day wasn't his, now she couldn't cope and she knew she'd end up hurting him, or the other way around if he said the wrong thing.

"Even more of a reason to get up and hurry up, it's not nearly as far a walk as it would have been if you slept in your own dorm. Stop complaining," she shouted before closing the bathroom door halfway.

"I have to sit with my egotistical brother. I have much to complain about," Elizabeth would have loved to celebrate Jake's birthday this time last year. He was only just turning into the boy he is now.

He smiled when he was happy, his laugh was gentle and made his eyes light up. He actually cared then, and now, there's nothing behind his eyes, his voice is cold and he never smiles or laughs and when he does it's when someone is screaming, dying or being tormented in the corridors.

"You'll be fine, besides, think about it this way. This time tomorrow Regulus will be sitting at the table with you again, you can both make awkward eye contact from each end and pretend you don't know each other again."

"That's not funny, Black." It had slipped her mind that Regulus was still in St. Mungo's. They'd found out on the last day of January, James, Dorcas and Peter had told Elizabeth before walking into class. None of them had seen Sirius or Remus that entire day and when they'd finally showed themselves, Sirius's eyes had been bloodshot and wet with tears.

James had said that Regulus had been attacked and tortured, nearly killed with the same curse that had nearly killed James.

Everyone was under the impression it had been Snape, so ever since January the Marauders had returned to cursing him in the hallways, Sirius jumped from any seat to punch him whenever laying eyes on him. Lily sat still, pretending not to notice. It was clear she'd finally ended the friendship once and for all.

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