09 | In The Garden

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In the Garden

Elizabeth spent the entirety of her Christmas break, either with her three siblings or being ordered around by her parents. She had been correct to think that they would take this time to give her task after task, to train her day and night with spells, poisons, occlumency, and legilimency, how to read a mind and how to block someone from reading your own. Elladora made sure she remembered the family values and to cut her emotions off, how to be a lady and speak with grace and dignity.

Elizabeth couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts.

The last three weeks, she had been working overtime. Her body felt sore and weak. There was a full moon on December twenty-second, and she had stayed up for two days taking care of Jonathan after and before the moon. Cassilda had made a point of her being in Gryffindor the second Elladora had apparated her back to the grounds of the Manor. Cassilda couldn't quite believe that it was work for the Dark Lord, but she was told to let it go soon after.

Jake was hardly ever seen around the manor anymore. He was either locked away in his bedroom or was leaving with Elladora and Divicci to go to the Dark Lord's meetings. He had been told he was to be receiving the dark mark soon, if he carried on the way he was. This made both their parents extremely proud; Elizabeth had been compared to Jake ever since she'd been back. For her failings, she was given a dose of the cruciatus, for not being like Jake.

On New Year's day, the Selwyns were to attend a party with the Malfoys at Malfoy Manor. All twenty-eight sacred, pureblood families would be there. Along with several other pureblood families - Elizabeth didn't know which, but she knew it wasn't anyone she would be happy to see.

Elizabeth was told to dress formally, to impress the other twenty-seven families, as there were going to be witches and wizards she had never met before at  the party.

So, Elizabeth chose to wear her silk black dress. The dress itself was gorgeous, thick lace straps over her shoulders, a low cut - but not too low in her mother's opinion. It flowed elegantly down her body; it was a tight fit, but perfect for the event. Down the length of the dress, there was a small slit that opened and closed with every step she took. One of her finer dresses. Along with this evening silk gown, Elizabeth wore the most expensive jewels Elladora had ever gifted her. An emerald green - it reminded her of Lily.

Cassilda's outfit was very much the same, except it was a white gown, the fabric roaming across her body and up around her neck. Around the collar of the dress, there were silver crystals, sapphires, and other jewels surrounding the lace. It contrasted her pale skin, to make the younger Selwyn seem more tanned in her complexion.

Elladora wore a thick, bouncy red dress. It was proper ball attire. All eyes were sure to be dragged to her. Elladora's long red hair flowed in loose curls down to the long silk sleeved which puffed up - like the shoulders - at her wrists

Jake, Jonathan, and Divicci all wore black or grey suits, each with matching ties. They arrived at the party, or ball, Elizabeth was sure no one here would call it a party - James would be bored within five seconds if he were here. There were hundreds of guests, either dancing or talking amongst other families. A lot of the people seemed to be rather drunk already, Elizabeth decided she would be too, later on.

She noticed Lucinda beside her brother, Amos, and quickly walked away from her family, and over to her best friend.

Lucinda's outfit was an eye flattering, floor length, white gown. The proper pureblood attire. She had picked up her gorgeous fashion sense from her mother - Elizabeth couldn't remember her name, so she just called her Mrs Nott.

"Wow. You look gorgeous, Loo," Elizabeth looked at her best friend.

"I know. You look hot too," Lucinda said with a flirtatious smirk. "Don't you think, Amos?"

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