28 | Mother And Son

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Mother And Son

Possible CW: slight violence and gore will be mentioned.

Elizabeth was in potions. Her shared class with Slytherin and Gryffindor. Her partner was Mulciber for the lesson and they were about halfway through when Professor Mcgonagall came in.

"Professor Slughorn, may I borrow one of your students?" she requested.

"Of course, of course," Slughorn said.

"May I have Elizabeth Selwyn?" All eyes turned to her and she slowly walked to her head of house.

"You will need your things. You will not be returning to class afterwards," so she turned around packed her parchments and quills and walked out with McGonagall as the entire class watched her leave.

When the two were outside the dungeons they stopped and McGonagall turned to Elizabeth and handed her a piece of parchment.

Albus Dumbledore,
I will be needing my children Jake and Elizabeth to come home for a few days. Their has been an emergency and I do not wish to involve Jonathan and Cassilda until absolutely necessary. They will be able to floo to the manor and back and will only be gone for a week maximum.
Divicci Selwyn.

"Your brother has already been told and is waiting in my office for you."

True to her word when the door opened Jake was sat in a chair bouncing his leg nervously. When he heard the door open he looked up and seemed to become even more nervous.

"Professor, before we leave, may I have a word with my sister in private?" Jake asked

She nodded. "You take as long as you need my boy, I'll be outside," and then she opened and closed the door behind her.

Elizabeth and Jake stared at one another in silence for a few moments. Elizabeth was the one to break it.

"Jay. What's going on?"

"I don't know, Bethy. Father wouldn't give a damn about Jon and Cass. It can't be anything good."

"That's what I was thinking," Elizabeth admitted.

Jake took a deep breath. "Look El I need you to listen to me as when we arrive to the manor we probably won't have time alone for a while that's why I wanted to talk here. I care about you, a lot, and if anything happens i want you to make sure your safe ok. Don't try and defend me or save me please just make sure your ok and out of harms way. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you, sis."

"Jake.. Nothings going to happen. I'm sure whatever it is maybe is to do with the Dark Lord. I care for you and I'll always protect you. You're my brother," she said and then walked over and hugged him.

"Ok, let's go."

"SELWYN MANOR!" Jake shouted and dropped the powder as flames few around him and he flooed away.

Elizabeth went over and opened the door to the office. "Professor, Jake has just left, I thought I should come and let you know so you're not out here all day."

"Thank you my dear, now go before you're late yourself."


She stumbled out of the hearth in the library of the Manor. Jake was standing beside Divicci Selwyn.

"Your mother couldn't make it. She had business to attend to," Divicci said.

"Yes, father," Elizabeth said bowing her head.

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