10 | Pleasantries

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When the three made it back inside the ballroom, it was to see the party still in full swing at one in the morning.

"Where have you been?!" Cassilda said, grabbing Elizabeth by the elbow and taking her away. Regulus and Sirius followed behind.

"Out in the gardens," she said, tugging her arm away. "Stop grabbing like that, will you?"

"Father has been looking for you," Cassilda said, finally letting go of her sister. "I've been trying to find you for some time now."

"What does he want?"

"Don't roll your eyes at me," Cassilda snapped.

"Just tell me where he is," Elizabeth said, losing her patience.

Cassilda took a deep breath. "He's over there, speaking with Abraxus."

Elizabeth nodded and told the brothers she'd be back shortly. She pulled herself together and made herself look as sober as possible.

"Father," she said, bowing her head as she arrived.

"Elizabeth, I was wondering where you had gone off to," Divicci said.

"I was out in the gardens. A lovely home you have, Mr. Malfoy," she said, turning to the host.

He smiled and nodded. "My wife takes great pleasure in the gardens, she enjoys the outdoors very much."

"I can tell, it's rather beautiful out there," she replied.

"I just thought it necessary that you meet the host of the party you're attending and become acquainted with one another," Divicci said. "You may go now."

"Yes, Father, It was a pleasure to meet you, sir," she said, nodding before walking back to where she left Regulus and Sirius.

Sirius and Regulus were talking with Andromeda and Narcissa Black, their cousins. They spent the rest of the party talking amongst themselves, until Elladora called Elizabeth over to inform her that they would be leaving shortly. She said goodbye to the others and apparated home with the rest of the Selwyns.

"You all did very well to keep up the family name this evening, goodnight," Elladora said as she walked with Divicci to the parlor.

Elizabeth didn't realize how tired she was as she began to walk up the main staircase to her room. Her feet felt like she was wearing metal boots and her legs felt shaky from the dancing and the drinks. Her head buzzed and her vision blurred.

She opened her bedroom door and made her way over to the bathroom, undressed, and changed into her silk nightwear.

Once she had brushed her teeth, removed her makeup, and was ready for bed, she unlocked her bathroom door and made her way to the bed.

As soon as her head hit the pillow, she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

The next day, Elizabeth was so hungover she stayed in bed all day. She asked Hilda, their main house elf, to make her some food and bring her some water for the headache, and slept off the rest of it.

She knew she could just make a potion, but that seemed too taxing, so she opted to have a relaxing day to herself. She needed a break. It had been good seeing Sirius again. They hadn't been writing much, as Walburga often stopped the owls getting to Sirius and giving him his letters.

Elizabeth also really enjoyed Regulus's company. Yes, she was embarrassed of having met her childhood best friend's brother for the time and being drunk and flirting with him non-stop, but he didn't seem to mind and only flirted back. It was mutually platonic. She decided to apologize to Sirius when she saw him the next day on the express, for mothering the pair all night.

Cursed Child Years 1-4 | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now