14 | Lucinda Nott

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Lucinda Nott

As the weeks passed, it grew nearer and nearer to January thirteenth. They had been back at school nearly a fortnight now and Lucinda was soon to be turning twelve. Elizabeth had gathered Evelyn and Lillian to help her plan a party. It would be in the Slytherin common room, Evelyn was to get the word around that a surprise party was on that night for Lucinda, Lillian was in charge of getting the drinks (Firewhiskey and Witches Brew) and Elizabeth was in charge of the day's celebrations.

Her best friend was turning twelve and she was going to make a big deal out of it. So the morning of the thirteenth, Elizabeth woke up extra early and wrote a note to the other girls, leaving it on her pillow saying:

It's Lucinda's birthday, so I woke up early to celebrate. Go on to breakfast without me.

And then Elizabeth went to the Slytherin common room and said "Salazar," the password and ran up to the first years girls dormitories.

She woke Evelyn and Lillian up first and then they stood around Lucinda's bed and began shouting in unison;





Lucinda jolted awake and by the end of the song was smiling so wide, it must have hurt.

"You told," she said, turning to Elizabeth.

She nodded solemnly and the other two jumped on Lucinda.

"You're twelve!" squealed Evelyn

"I know," Lucinda said back in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh shuddup and appreciate the work we've put in for your ruddy arse," Lillian said, getting off the bed smiling at her friends.

"Get bloody dressed now, Loo, you've a big day ahead," Elizabeth said, grabbing her robes and chucking them at Lucinda's face.

Once the three of them got dressed they headed down to the Great Hall. As soon as the doors opened Lillian began excusing people out the way by saying;

"Excuse us, birthday girl coming through."

"Sorry, Lucinda's big day, excuse us."

"Don't mind us just bringing the birthday girl through."

Every time she said one of these, she would grab Lucinda and usher her in front of the group. By the time they got to Slytherin half of the great hall knew. Once they were seated, all of the slytherins said happy birthday and some people from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor wished a good day as well (mainly Elizabeth's friends).

Evelyn filled Lucinda's plate to the brim with toast and spread of every kind whilst Elizabeth poured her a glass of Pumpkin Juice. The four of them ate their breakfast with Andromeda, Jake, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Lucius, Radolphus, Evan and Severus.

Once it was over they headed to classes. It was a Tuesday. Elizabeth had Transfiguration, Charms, Potions (which she really enjoyed), History of Magic, Herbology and Flying lessons.

At lunch the group from breakfast sang a loud happy birthday to Lucinda and a lot of other people joined in.

At dinner they all did the same thing and people came up to Lucinda as she entered the Great Hall giving her sweets and wishing she had a good day.

When a random Hufflepuff was wishing Lucinda a good rest of her day, Evelyn asked if she could take photos of the four of them.

When they all saw the photo they cast a duplicating spell on it so that all four of them had a copy of it.

Once it reached seven, the food on the oak table disappeared and signalled for the end of dinner. The four made their way to the Slytherin Common room whilst the rest raced ahead.

When the portrait door opened to reveal Lucinda, the whole room shouted


Lucinda had let out a gasp of shock as Evelyn, Lillian and Elizabeth smiled fondly at her.

The whole of Slytherin house was in the common room, so it was rather warm. The whole night they encouraged someone to down some witches brew, beetle berry whiskey and a lot of fire whisky.

By around three AM, the party was still a buzz. The common room was filled with a hazy cloud of smoke and everyone was either high or drunk. People were dancing to 70's music on the record player, faking over the couches and steps, snogging or talking.

Jake and Andromeda had disappeared at around eleven and weren't seen from again.

Same goes for Narcissa and Lucius as well as Bellatrix and Radolphus.

At around four-thirty AM, the party was ending. Everyone was either passed out drunk or going up to their dormitories. The three girls had passed out on the leather couches and Elizabeth had grabbed a green velvet duvet and thrown it over them.

She made her way out and up to the Gryffindor tower. It took her a while as she was very drunk. By the time she reached the seventh floor it was 5:15am.

She tried to be quiet but she ended up waking the other three girls and laid in the covers of her bed and didn't bother changing or anything.

When she closed her eyes her head swam from the equilibrium and she dozed off into a dreamless sleep. She didn't want to think of the hangover the next day nor the hours of classes she had to endure. Bloody hell was she in for a rough day.


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