11 | Slytherin Common Room

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Slytherin Common Room

When they got back to Hogwarts and in the Great Hall, Dumbledore made a speech before the food appeared. Mary and Marlene told the Marauders and the rest of the girls about how a Hogwarts Christmas was, each telling their own story of how their Christmas went.

Elizabeth gave the group a brief talk of her Christmas, leaving out the cruciatus curse, Dark Lord, bickering with Cassilda, quite a bit and basically only telling them the good parts.

Sirius had spent his holidays locked away in his room, with only his house elf, Kreacher, apparating into his room for meals. Apparently, he only left his room once or twice to go to the bathroom or to that ball with Elizabeth and the other pureblood families.

James had spent his Christmas break with Peter being pampered and fed till they were about to burst. He had written to everyone often except Sirius and Elizabeth due to family issues.

Mary and Marlene spent the holidays in the castle talking with a Ravenclaw girl named Dorcas Meadows.

Remus had spent his being shouted at by his dad and Hope, his mother, later arguing with Lyall about being cruel to Remus. There was a full moon recently and Remus had come out with a new scar on his forearm.

Lily didn't tell the boys about her holiday much, only saying how it was good or how she and Pet (her twin sister) had gotten along so well. She later came and told the girls that she had been called a freak all holiday and rarely left the house.

Peter obviously did the same as James. Spending some nights at his and some where James came round to Peter's.

As there were no classes that day, Elizabeth decided once she'd finished her food she would look for Lucinda around the castle and catch up with her. She'd thought how situations like this, looking for someone, would be a good time for the boys to get a move on with this map of theirs.

At the start of the year James had suggested they make a map of the school, Remus could draw it out, Sirius and James could look for secret passageways and Peter would switch between helping Remus or Sirius and James. The map was to be enchanted once complete. They hadn't figured out the spells and charms for it yet, but had asked Remus to look for them when he was next in the Library. It was top secret. Elizabeth only knew because of her times spent in their dormitory.

Elizabeth saw Lucinda get up from the bench with Evan Rosier and Severus Snape. She quickly excused herself, leaving food on her plate, got up and made her way towards the three. She hadn't really spoken to Severus that much, so she hoped it wouldn't be too awkward. Evan and Elizabeth hadn't spoken since he gave her the note.

Lucinda noticed her approaching and stopped in her tracks. Evan followed her line of sight, scowled, and walked through the hall doors.

"Hey Beth, you coming with us?" she asked, pointing to Severus behind her.

Elizabeth nodded and they began to walk down to the Slytherin common room. This was Elizabeth's first time seeing the Slytherin common room.

She hadn't thought about how different the Slytherin dorm would be. Only a few steps in was enough to drown her in the contrast. The Gryffindor common room was warm, carpeted in red, and filled with soft light, the embodiment of welcoming. The Slytherin common room, on the other hand, was cold, eerily quiet, and filled with harsh greens and pure black, from the leather couches to the ornate columns spaced against the stone walls. It was grand, and exactly what was expected of a pureblood house.

Lucinda led the way up to her shared dorm with Evelyn Greengrass and Lillian Bullstrode. The two girls were in the dorm and didn't want Severus or Evan in with them so they hesitantly said goodbye as Evan and Severus went up to their shared dormitory with Alabster Jackson.

Elizabeth was introduced to Evelyn and Lillian and really enjoyed their company. They were a lot like Lucinda, full of themselves from first glance but once you got to know them, they were normal. They had insecurities, jokes and laughs like any other house would. Don't get them wrong, as they were pureblood supremacists and believe muggleborns and half bloods are below them, but the only reason they only wouldn't be seen speaking with one was because of their family names.

So the three Slytherins and Gryffindor spent the entirety of Sunday locked away in a green covered dorm. They skipped lunch as Elizabeth still had snacks from the train journey with the other Gryffindor first years and she shared them amongst the other girls. When dinner came around they decided to head down to the Great hall. They bumped into Bellatrix, Radolphus, and Theodore Avery. Elizabeth greeted them with a polite nod and smile which was returned by all and they silently made their way up to the hall.

When they arrived it was buzzing with chatter and the munching of food. Elizabeth said goodbye to the Slytherins and headed over to take a seat beside Mary.

"...and I was like oh just stop already," Mary was saying when Elizabeth had sat down.

"What are we talking about?" Elizabeth said, grabbing a piece of chicken.

"Welcome back from the dead," James joked.

"Thought we lost you," Peter added.

"I was with Lucinda and her dorm friends," Elizabeth said.

"Glad you two are still close," Lily said.

Elizabeth nodded.

"Anyways, we were just taking about how Marls wouldn't stop flirting with Dorcas allll holidays," Mary drawled swinging an arm over Marlene's shoulder.

"Oh bugger off," Marlene said, shrugging Mary off with a huff.

"Calm down, will you? Marls, we're only joking!"

"We wouldn't care if you did prefer girls to boys anyhow," Remus said.

"I'm not gay," Marlene snapped.

"Alright, calm down, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today," Sirius joked.

And that's basically what they talked about the rest of dinner. How Marlene and Dorcas had spent most of the Christmas break together, and when Dorcas smiled and waved in Marlene's direction the teasing resumed full swing. Lily and Remus had been against it the whole time, Lily hitting James on the arm and Remus elbowing Sirius in the side whenever a comment was made.

Of course, Elizabeth didn't give a damn who Marlene cared for. Boy or girl. Or both for that matter. She knew, however, that her parents definitely would. So she thought it best to keep her opinions to herself in case anyone heard from Slytherin and word got back to mother or father. She had snuck glances towards Dumbledore the entire dinner and headed up to speak to him when they had left the Great Hall.

She asked him how security here works, saying how she was worried of her parents getting in and blah blah blah and he basically told her that their was an anti- apparation charm and anti- muggle spell concealing Hogwarts from the muggle eye at all times. How the walls were impenetrable and no one could get in without being seen. She sent a note to Lucius telling him what she found and for him to let the Dark Lord know she had began her task. She then headed up to her dorm and got some well needed sleep for Potions the following day.


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