69 | Five Animagi in forbidden Forests

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Five Animagi in forbidden Forests

When Elizabeth got back to the castle she found that Transfiguration had ended and students were already at dinner. She hadn't ate anything since lunch and even then it was nibbles, but her robes were covered in mud and she knew the first thing people would speculate so she decided against it and went up to the dormitory. Where she had originally been heading over an hour ago.

She slumped down on her bed and sighed as her back hit the soft mattress.

"Why does everything have to be about this bloody war" she whispered as she closed her eyes in frustration.

All her life Elizabeth was raised to be the perfect mold of her parents. A sophisticated and well rounded lady like her mother, a poisoner, a manipulator, a beautiful graceful woman who kept her thoughts to herself. However just enough of her father to put in the mix. To be a perfect dueler, to know every spell in the books, to be a blood purist, to be a murderer.

To be the perfect Selwyn around the clock.

Elizabeth wanted none of this. She was happy with the life she had. With Jake, Jonathan and Cassilda, her friends, Lucinda and Evan and the Gryffindor's. She didn't believe in blood supremacy. Not even a little bit. She didn't want to be a murderer but that's what she was and her friends knew this - some of them did anyway - and they still cared for her and accepted her. They still trusted her the same as before.

But her family ripped it away. Jonathan was given the bite by Greyback as punishment. Lucinda died and she and Evan drifted apart. Jake was killed by who knows what spell and now she has to pick a side. She has to have a choice in something she doesn't have a choice in. Either choose the Selwyn's and the Dark Lord or be a blood traitor and hunted down like Jonathan had been, and look at him now. Half a mind to show for his efforts.

Elizabeth didn't want to be hunted by her family because no matter how twisted they were they did care for her in some way. Elladora wanted her to be the best of her abilities, to show that she was more than just a women in a patriarchal society. She was smart, she could kill, she was everything worthy of that but a man.

Divicci gave her power. A Selwyn could not be seen as weak and defenseless. Her father taught her how to stand on her own. Hide her emotions away and attack with cunningness.

Cassilda wanted what was best for her elder sister but was too young to differ between right and wrong. She didn't know that leaving that night in Christmas would cost the life of her brother. That if she had stayed then he may have lived. That Lucius and Evan and Radolphus would still be whole, kind and warm as they had been before it all.

Jonathan used to show his love in gentle touches and words. Before the missing month, he would have never raised his voice to Elizabeth, let alone snap or curse her. No matter what she did, or what he did, he would always hold her when she was injured and object when she stood in the way of him and her father's wand tip. He would nurse her if she was ill. Help Jake in carrying her back to bed and use a cold cloth to wipe sweat off her forehead.

Now, with half a mind, he showed it in violence. The smallest trigger and he was gone. The strength of the wolf within to his advantage and no matter how many times she would say it, Jonathan would never know she was his sister in that mind set.

And now, through it all she feared the three words a person should dream to hear.

I love you.

Nearly every single person who had ever said the words have died. People she loved tend to die or leave her in some other forms. And now, the people she loved she had to draw a line between and choose.

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