48 | Animagus

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As the week went on Elizabeth rejoined the Gryffindor's. Julia had fit in perfectly, she sat in the space Lily used to sit between Sirius and Ted. Elizabeth had begun to spread her time more evenly through her friends. At breakfast she either sat with Regulus and Barty or Evelyn, Lillian, Andromeda and the others.

Andromeda and Ted were still meeting in the courtyards every now and then but they had used the excuse that Andromeda was tutoring Ted to be able to spend more time with him without being disowned from the family.

Elizabeth sat with Jonathan and Maria at lunch, introduced herself to Leon and caught up with Antoine and sometimes at lunch sat with Ava and the Hufflepuff's. At dinner she always sat with the Gryffindor's.

Granted it was a little tense the first few days after Cassilda and Elizabeth's argument but it was soon in the past and things resumed full swing as usual. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter doing there daily pranks on the school and getting detention after detention for it. Lily and James constantly at each others heads and James loving every word that flies out of Lily's mouth. Sirius and Remus sat closer than most friends would but it seemed only Elizabeth and James noticed this.

It was the day of the full moon meaning the animagi potion should be complete by now. Remus and Jonathan would be going off to transform as the four Gryffindor's worked to turn animagi in hopes of helping Remus through the transformations. Elizabeth gathered it would be harder to hide Remus away in the wing this time as Lily was becoming more and more skeptical each month. So Elizabeth was working on a plan for that aswell.

As for the time being Elizabeth main goal was making sure Jonathan flooed to the manor ok and that Remus was packed and ready to go for the night. The rest could wait until later.

"Promise you'll be alright?" Elizabeth asked giving her brother a firm hug

He nodded his cheek against her shoulder - as he was still shorter than her - and pulled away smiling.

"I'll do my best El i swear it"

"Ok you've got your clothes and some food will be given to you?" Jon nodded "You'll be back in a day or two?" he nodded again "Alright i'll see you then"

She watched as Jonathan stood in the fireplace and the flames turn to a bright green and then disappear into the air. Then she was stood alone in Professor Flitwick's office - Head of Ravenclaw house.

Once she was out of her daze she walked back up to the Gryffindor common room and headed straight for James's dormitory. When she opened the door to the room it was to see Sirius and Remus doing there usual goodbyes before he left as James eyed them suspiciously and Peter hung back fiddling with his hands.

Elizabeth cleared her throat upon arrival.

"I made you this" she said holding out the pain relief potion and another vile of Wolfsbane.

"Right i nearly forgot and.. i won't need that" Remus said eyeing the pain potion.

"It's a bad moon"

"A what?" Peter asked

"Think it's pretty clear in the name Pete" James added

"Just take the bloody potion" she snapped pushing it into his hands so he had no choice but to accept.

"Will you lot be alright?" he asked to the group.

"We'll be fine Rem now go before your late" Elizabeth pleaded pulling him away from the pouting Sirius in the corner and out the door.

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