106 | Holding onto Hope

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Holding onto Hope

Tuesday 5th September, 1974

Regulus was quick to pack away his quills and his parchments in his bag. His parents were, obviously, angry and had very clearly waited for him to arrive at Hogwarts so that he was trapped in one place with no escape. He didn't want to keep Walburga and Orion Black waiting when they were angry, the last thirteen years of his life had been all the proof that he needed.

Regulus' main concern as he made his way to Dumbledore's office was his brother. Sirius, who had spent every moment of Regulus' existence protecting him, shielding him from their parents' anger and taking the fall for every one of his mistakes. It was time Regulus repaid him, he deserved it after all. Regulus was just praying to Salazar that he wasn't seated in a chair beside their parents until he finally arrived at the office.

Once at the staircase to the Headmaster's office, Regulus mumbled the password and stepped onto the spiral staircase as it moved him upwards, closer and closer to his parents' anger.

"Mr Black," Dumbledore's overly cheerful voice chirped as he stepped off of the step and into the office.

Dumbledore's welcome seemed to light something from his parents, forcing them to spin around in his direction, eyes blank and sending chills down his spine. The only good thing that Regulus could see from this visit was that Sirius was not present during it.

"Regulus," Walburga said stonily as she raised her chin, eyes following and never leaving him as he crossed the office and lowered himself into the empty seat.

He wasn't sure whether to call her by mother or by her name, so he went with the safest option that he could think of within seconds. "Mother," he greeted with a short nod of his head.

"Dumbledore," Orion turned to the Headmaster. "Would it be acceptable if we have a moment alone with our son?"

Regulus flashed Dumbledore a brief look of pure panic, but the Headmaster seemed to simply smile his way and nod his ancient head. "Of course, Mr Black. He is your son after all."

The door closed behind his departure, and not but three seconds later, Walburga turned to him. "How dare you."

"Mother, I-"

"Do not interrupt!" She shrieked. "Your father and I have done nothing but care for you since you were born. We've done nothing but shield you from the horrors of this world, you ungrateful brat! The lack of respect you and your filthy, blood traitor brother have shown us. Is that what you wish to be? Nothing but a good for nothing blood traitor like him? No? No, I didn't think so!"

"Are you just going to sit there staring boy, or are you going to address us?" Orion glared.

"I apologise, mother, father. It is a deep regret of mine that I fled my responsibilities and that I have let you both, and the family down."

"I don't think you realise everything you represent, Regulus," Walburga said, her voice calm and gentle once more. "You represent this family. Sirius will never make an honest Heir, we've known that from the moment he was born and from the moment he was Sorted into that Blood-Traitor house. You are our Heir now, every responsibility that fell to him, now falls to you. There is simply no room for running away, associating with Gryffindor's and the like, you are our son and every action you take reflects greatly on us all. Cygnus and Druella failed to produce an Heir, unfortunately, you are our last hope. You cannot and will not fail us again."

"We are willing to dismiss your idiotic and reckless ways, if you swear by your blood that you will have no further affiliation with your brother, Regulus. Do you understand what we are asking of you, son?"

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