114 | Priorities

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TW: Slight mentions of blood and gore.

Monday 13nth November, 1974

"I'm not sure how I feel about Alice," he admitted hesitantly.

"What do you mean?"

"She's talking about kids, marriage, living together and the future and all that but I think she's forgetting I'm only in my fourth year, not my sixth like her... The War is making people mature, grow up faster and I don't know if I'm ready for a long term or a serious relationship right now. Not with what's going on out there."

"You two have been together since the very beginning of summer. That's what... four, five months? It's a pretty serious relationship to me, Remus."

"It's just- look, when I kiss her it feels like when I kiss you or Lily or the other girls on the cheek or something. I'm not sure if my feelings for Alice are a strong friendship or if I actually like her. I'm not sure what I want, I think I need to grow up a bit more before talking about kids and marriage at fourteen! Al needs someone who wants to talk about those things with her, someone who's as mature as she is."

"You should say all of this to Alice, not to me, Moony."

"I care about her. I do!"

"You just don't know in which way yet..."

"And she deserves someone that can tell her exactly how they feel for her, exactly what they want and can talk to her for hours about kids and marriage and living together."

"You're not ready yet, Remus, that's ok."

"I need to grow up first, figure out what I want."

"You need to tell Alice all of this too."

"I will."

Remus was lying with his back pressed against the damp grass, a cigarette pressed between his lips and Alice pressed against his side, whispering thoughts of their shared future together as they lay on the bay beside the Black Lake during Lunch that Monday afternoon.

Sirius was resting his head against the side of Lily's ribs as he stared up into the sky, rambling on and on about how Ravenclaw were going to win against Hufflepuff in the upcoming Quidditch match in sixth days. James sitting with Dorcas, Marlene, Peter and Ted also talking about the game. Mary, Elizabeth, Billius and Frank were just smoking and talking absentmindedly about their lives, the game, whether or not they would be staying or leaving for Christmas break roughly this time next month.

Remus had everyone he needed around him. His amazing girlfriend squeezed into him, his best mates surrounding him, his chosen family, but he couldn't help but feel guilty. He promised Elizabeth he would talk to Alice about his feelings. His unsure feelings to be precise, and he hadn't. It had been nearly two weeks and today was their four month anniversary-

"Remus, my love?" Alice whispered, pushing a strand of his hair away from his forehead. He blinked, turning his eyes onto her. "You were in a world of your own there darling."

"Sorry, uh... what were you saying?"

"Would you want the boy to be older or the girl? I think the girl so that she can put him in his place every now and then, to remind him who's boss. The brother would still protect her of course but she could also protect him, that way she wouldn't always feel so powerless, they'd both feel safe and loved and protected. What do you think?"

"What's this again?" Remus asked, blinking down at her as he pulled her in closer, inhaling more smoke from the cigarette.

"Our children, idiot," she rolled her eyes with a small sigh. "We've been talking about it for weeks now for fucks sake. A boy and a girl. I think a girl first and then a boy and I just asked what you think of it?"

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