97 | Rosier Dining

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Rosier Dining

Tuesday 6th June, 1974

When Elizabeth finally went back to the table for breakfast, Lily was in the middle of a long winded story about muggle photography. James, Alice and Sirius were on the edge of their seats listening to the tales, Peter seemed indifferent about whatever it was, and Mary, Marlene and Remus looked completely on the edge of laughter– judging by the looks on their faces.

"What did Rosier want?" Peter asked quietly when she sat back down.

Elizabeth shrugged. "It's his birthday and he invited me to something this evening for the occasion."

"I didn't think you two were friends anymore?" He frowned.

"I'll always consider him a friend of mine. We may not have been on speaking terms the last two years, but we both want to move forward and mend the relationship."

"And what do you think James and Sirius will think about that?" Peter asked.

"I don't really care, it's not their place to have an opinion. My life doesn't revolve around what they think I should and shouldn't do, I get enough of that at the manor."

"Sorry." Peter looked away. "Personally, I wouldn't go. The last time you were near any of that lot James nearly died in your arms."

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes. "I'm fully aware of that, Peter. Thank you for the reminder."

"What do you think, El?" Lily asked.

"Pardon?" She sighed, turning to the group.

"Lily was just suggesting we make an album," Sirius said.

Elizabeth looked between them all with confusion written across her face. "An album? I don't think any of us own a wizarding camera at Hogwarts."

"Not with a wizarding camera," Marlene said. "A muggle one. We've just been talking about how we'd duplicate Lily's and charm it so it doesn't run out of paper and ink."

"We'd each take photos whenever we like and with whoever and add it into the album. Muggle photos and wizarding ones, if you like," Mary said.

"Like a friendship album for just us. We can look back on it in ten, twenty years from now and reminisce," James smiled.

"If that's what you all want, then sure." She shrugged.

"It's settled then. I'll bring mine back from home after summer and I'll buy a really big album for us." Lily smiled before turning back to her food.

"Now that that's out of the way, what did Rosier want?" Sirius asked.

"Is your brother alright?" James asked after, thank Merlin for it.

Elizabeth chose to ignore Sirius' question completely and turned to James. "Jon's... fine. A little shaken, I think from last night's events, but-"

"What happened last night?" Alice asked.

"I didn't see him at the dinner," Marlene said.

"No he uh..." Elizabeth didn't know what to say. She hated lying to her girls.

"He's fine," Sirius said loudly. "Now what did that little twerp Rosier want?"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "He was inviting me to his birthday... gathering tonight."

"Birthday gathering?" Sirius repeated.


"So a party?" Mary smiled.

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