43 | Cozy By The Fire

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Cozy By The Fire

Elizabeth woke up the next day, face squished into a chest. She was immediately awake again, shooting up and looking around, she couldn't remember anything so, she slowly unwrapped the arm from her waist, looked for her dress and shoes and snuck out. She realized she was in the Slytherin Common room now, from the passed out students scattered across the floor and the sofa's, plus the numerous empty bottles everywhere. Looking over towards the clock she realized it was already four in the afternoon. She had missed lunch and breakfast and had to now wait another hour for dinner.

When she had successfully sneaked back inside the Gryffindor common room she was utterly shocked.

On the sofa by the fire Sirius and Remus were sleeping. Although they weren't just sleeping because Sirius was laying flat on his back with Remus between his legs and face in his chest. Sirius had wrapped his arms around the middle of Remus and was burying his face in his hair.

Elizabeth stared for a few moments, then, when she was sure she wasn't imagining any of it, she then tried to sneak past without waking them, but a voice sounded, making her startle slightly.

"It's not what it looks like," Sirius whispered.

"I didn't mean to wake you," she whispered back, matching his level.

"You didn't. I've been awake for a while. Don't want to wake Moony is all."

Elizabeth nodded. "Ok, well I'll just be..." she trailed off, pointing to the stairs as she was already backing away slightly.

"Look, I know what it looks like, and with the kiss and all, but we're just mates, alright? Don't read into it."

"I didn't say anything, did I?"

"I know you El, you're thinking it."

Elizabeth smirked. "I'll come and wake him for you at dinner, is that ok?"

Sirius nodded the best he could without waking Remus. "James and Pete are in the dorm if you want to go up," he said looking towards the stairs.

"Thank you" she said, walking up a few steps. She paused and turned back to look at the two on the couch. "Look after him, Sirius," she said and walked up the rest of the stairs, pushing open the door to the boys dormitory.

James was lying shirtless in his bed with his glasses lopsided and Peter was sitting at his desk copying Remus' homework.

"JAMES!" Elizabeth shouted, making both boys jump.

"What- what's happened?" he stuttered, panicking and sitting up.

Elizabeth smirked evilly.

"You monster! You can't just sneak in like this El and scare the living shit out of me," he fell back onto his pillow with a relieved sigh as he stared up to the ceiling.

Elizabeth jumped onto his bed and sat crossed legged at the end. "Wake up you lazy git, it's nearly dinner."

James rolled his eyes. "M'not hungry," he muttered, already drifting back to sleep.

Elizabeth looked around the room for the closest - and least harmless - object she could find to grab. When her eyes landed on a sock, she threw and aimed said sock at his face in order to wake him back up.

"I'm not sure what you all did last night, but get up," she glared, whacking him with the sock over and over again.

"We were working on the map," Peter said, not looking up from the essay he was nearly finished with.

"Map?" Elizabeth asked cluelessly.

"We told you about it at the start of term last year. We've nearly finished it, found most of the passageways from you, and Moony mapped out the corridors and the grounds. We were up roaming the school and we only have six more corridors to draw down and then it's finished," James explained, grabbing a t-shirt and pulling it over his head.

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