76 | Tell me a Memory

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Tell me a Memory

Elizabeth woke up feeling slightly dizzy. Her head was swimming, her body stiff and rigid, her mouth dry and lips cracked. She remembered flooing to McGonnagall's office. The Professor seemed to be having a meeting with a student when she came stumbling out. Elizabeth remembered muttering apologies as she stumbled across the small cramped office before tripping over herself and passing out - so much for the dramatics.

She hadn't a clue where she was, either she dreamed of it all and she was still in the manor with Divicci threatening to kill her cousins and uncle and the severing charm and torture curse being used hour after hour. Divicci had even made the elves torture or cut her once or twice. Divicci held an evil grin, manic laugh and a twinkle in his eyes as she screamed and writhed beneath him.

Or, she was in the hospital wing and it hadn't been a dream and she had, indeed, fell over and collapsed seconds after flooing through the network without any warning whatsoever and ruined one of the fifth year job interviews. Elizabeth wasn't sure when they were held, before or after Christmas? The most realistic option was that she was in the hospital wing. Mcgonagall must have levitated her unconscious body to the hospital wing not long after she passed out.

She couldn't have been more grateful to the witch as she felt her muscles relax - just the tiniest amount compared to the pain ripping the rest of her body apart - and she let out a sigh of relief. Unaware of what day it was, if she had been in and out of it all, what time it was she didn't care. Elizabeth was away from her father and just hoped that he didn't act out on his promise to kill the only family she had left that hadn't betrayed her or died, yet.

"If you can hear me drink this," a voice said suddenly and she instinctively flinched away from the sound, causing a sharp pain up her right side.

"Shit sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, the darkness making it hard to see the silhouette beside her.

"It's me, Derek."

Elizabeth smiled and relaxed "Oh. Derek."

"Have this," he pushed a goblet gently into her hands, cupping the outside of her hands gently for a few moments before sliding them away and letting her drink the containments of the goblet.

It was a ripe tasting pain relief potion and she could smell the sleeping draught beside her - although she presumed this was a heightened senses from her animagi as a coyote. If she concentrated hard enough she could hear things she couldn't without the extra abilities whilst still in her human form.

"What time is it?" She asked once she had gulped down the ripe liquid.

Derek shrugged through the shadows "Not too sure. Jules and Bill were here a while ago but they went back to the dorm. Lily, Mary and Marls begged Pomfrey to let them stay one more night but she said one was enough and that she'd tell them straight away if you woke up and uh well... the lads are over there on the floor. Dozed off a while ago."

Elizabeth looked over and saw the four Marauders all huddled together at the end of her bed. James and Peter were spooning together, half laying on top of the other to make room for both them and Elizabeth. Sirius and Remus were on the floor with a thin blanket, probably supplied by Derek, to keep them warm.

"Wait. You said one night?" Derek nodded. "What day is it?"

"It's... the eighth? You've been in the hospital wing three nights. Pomfrey was going to take you to St. Mungo's, said something was off about it but Sirius said you'd be safer here"

Elizabeth looked down awkwardly. It had been days since the trial, Cassilda and Jonathan both probably already knew and the whole school too for that matter. Divicci had said he'd made them twist the story in his favor and Elizabeth obviously hadn't read the section yet. She cringed at the thought.

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