51 | Stay Behind

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Stay Behind

Elizabeth spent the rest of her free period in the library. She read over old books that she and her brothers used to read when they were young, and trying to convince herself that she'd done everything she could have to save Jake. When in all fairness. Had she?

She skipped lunch and went to her dorm for a nap. Suddenly feeling extremely tired, probably from the lack of sleep and the excruciating headache she was experiencing.

When Elizabeth woke up she forgot what time of day it was at first. She thought she was in her bed in the middle of the night and when she realized she was most definitely late to History Of Magic, she internally groaned and headed to the classroom.

The class went by slowly. She avoided everyone and ignored when the Professor asked her for answers to questions. She just gazed towards the wall and looked at it with a blank expression until the class finally ended. Then she mentally prepared herself for the next class. Potions. With the Slytherin's.

"You ok?" Sirius asked as they walked to the dungeons.

She nodded and hummed in response.

"What did they say?" James asked.


"El. What happened?" Remus asked with concern.

"Nothing much."

Sirius sighed loudly and they soon found themselves at Potions.

"Hullo Elizabeth," Maxwell said as she took a seat beside him. She could feel the four boys' eyes on her, so she forced the fakest smile she could and held up the act. Ignoring the snickers and hisses sent around the room aimed at her.

Maxwell wouldn't shut up about how she was a disgrace to her family name and destroying everything they stood for. How being in Gryffindor made her a disappointment to the family, much like Sirius. Maxwell went on and on for the whole hour, making her mess up on a potion for the first time ever.

When class ended, Slughorn spoke up. "Miss Selwyn. May you stay behind for a moment? I'd like to have a quick word."

Elizabeth sighed and sat back down in her seat as the class packed away and left, eventually leaving her alone in the room with Slughorn.

"Mrs Selwyn, thank you for staying," she nodded as Slughorn continued. "I have asked to speak with you as you did not complete the potion for today's class. Worrying for you has never been an issue before. Is everything ok? I am aware I am not your head of house, but if you need something off your chest.."

"No Professor. I'm just tired."

Slughorn put his lips in a firm line and looked at her waiting. She wasn't lying, she was tired, it's just that wasn't the only reason.

"I was up a little late last night. I fell behind last week on some assignments and I wanted to catch up and by the time i'd finished it was already early into the morning."

If there was one thing that had been drilled into her brain through the years of her childhood, was mastering the art of lying. Being the daughter of two of the darkest wizards and witches came with a lot of secrets.

"Ah, I see. Well that is very good to hear. Please do make sure to get some sleep tonight."

"Of course, Professor. Was that all?"

"Yes, that was all."

Once the door closed behind her she let out a deep sigh and leaned her head back to the door, closing her eyes. Relishing in the silence.

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