61 | More alike than you Know

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More alike than you Know

Once Barty, Regulus and Elizabeth had got off the Express they headed to the carriages. Lillian and Evelyn joined them and they talked about there upcoming year. There new classes and joked with Barty and Regulus saying how they were the babies in the carriage.

"Ickle babies" Lillian said in a mocking baby voice.

Regulus rolled his eyes but the grin on his face showed he took no offense. So Lillian continued.

"Your like our sons. Me, Eve and El are in a.. oh, what do you call it a.. a three way!"

"LILLIAN!" Evelyn shouted cutting the girl off

Regulus and Barty burst into a fit of laughs as Elizabeth hid her face from embarrassment.

Lillian raised an eyebrow "Come off it Eve. I'm joking"

"Stop being so callow"

This doubled Regulus and Barty's laughs and Elizabeth began to chuckle slightly, Lillian joining in.

"Blimey.. Eve.. callow" Lillian choked.

Evelyn rolled her eyes but smiled at the four of them "Mother has been teaching me to be more of a sophisticated lady"

"We can tell" Elizabeth, Lillian, Regulus and Barty said at the same time. They all stopped laughing and looked around at one another before bursting into hysterical laughter.

The carriages had pulled over outside the grand entrance doors to Hogwarts. Elizabeth had forgotten the rush the castle gave her each year. She petted the thestral on the snout and stepped away. The others giving her a puzzling look.

"It's a thestral" she said as if it were obvious.

"A what?" the other four exclaimed together.

Elizabeth suddenly realized they couldn't see the boney, half dead looking horse. For, only people who had witnessed death can see them. She'd gotten so used to seeing them, even from her first year, she sometimes forgot others can't see the beautiful creatures. So she shook her head and smiled

"Never mind"

"Do we need to get that noggin checked out" Lillian asked, poking at Elizabeth's temple.

"Get off" she said moving away from her

"Sorry. I'm being callow again aren't i" Lillian said, with a hand on her heart and a sad expression with the poshest voice she could muster.

"Shut up" Evelyn snapped, but she immediately smiled and waved the others forward "let's go to the feast shall we. I'm bloody famished"

"Second that!" Barty shouted before he and Evelyn sprinted off together.

"Oi! I'm hungry too!" Lillian shouted before chasing after them "SEE YOU TWO AT THE FEAST!.. oops sorry" Lillian shouted bumping her way though the crowd of students making there way through the corridors and the to Great Hall.

Elizabeth and Regulus laughed lightly and watched as the others ran off ahead.

The two walked side by side, matching each other's steps and arms swinging in sync. Once they had gotten halfway up the corridor leading to the Great Hall Regulus stopped. Elizabeth hadn't realized until she'd taken two more steps so she turned; with an extremely confused expression on her face and look back at Regulus.


"Your parents they.. they think your going to be like Sirius. Don't they?"

Elizabeth had fully turned around so she was now stood directly infront of him.

Cursed Child Years 1-4 | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now